Moscow Sretenskaya Theological Seminary. Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) read in Yekaterinburg a lecture on the dangers of revolutions Tikhon Shevkunov Lecture on the February Revolution

The great historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky, warning and contemporaries, and descendants, said: "History is not a teacher, but a strict overseas: she does not teach anything, but he is having sternly for ignorance." It would be possible to add: punishes generation. This strict supervisor does not ask lessons, but he hard asks for their ignorance.

Almost all the peoples of the world collided with this, but today it is important for us how our compatriots faced with this ignorance and how painfully became a whole segment of generations, when their ancestors could not figure out the story and understand what their actions would be destructive for them And for their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

The topic, which in time today is especially important for us, is the events of the seventeenth year - and in particular, the February Revolution. The October Revolution is only the most common consequence of what happened in February, and in the broad sense of the word long before February, because the preparation and aging of these events continued for many years.

Without the February Revolution, without the necessary and unprecedented human movement caused by its consequences, by and large, there would be no society as a society in the form in which we are now. Someone from our grandfathers and great-grandfather leaving the places found, found the referee on the other end of the country or fled to emigration, someone was repressed, someone participated in repression. Someone did a career, someone has this career in Gulag. Someone was sitting off, realizing that horror came to our land, and someone, no matter what, creatively lived and acted.

We are not going to "prevent history" - everything that happened is our story. And the deeper and more honest, not cheating, we will know her, the more we learn ourselves. In medicine now there is a special diagnosis - genetic. We study the genetic parameters of parents, grandfathers and determine the most likely their descendant will hurt. When the disease arises. And what needs to be done to prevent this ailment.

By analogy with this, the knowledge of our social and national, conventionally, the birth, "genetic diseases" is extremely important for every thought person. And on the example of the February events and the previous period, we will try to figure out what tells us and what our relatively recent story teaches us.

I want to emphasize immediately: there is the main reason for all of our adversity, there are their main culprit - we ourselves. It must be understood first in order not to build any illusions. For example: if a person is physically healthy, its immunity is strong, it can resist the external influence of viruses and bacteria. We know this in their personal experience. If our body is weakened, if we live unhealthy, then protective forces The body weakens and any adverse external factors - bacteria, viruses, are caused by diseases, and sometimes death.

Speaking of many reasons related to the crisis of 1917, we should never forget that purely external causes are just those, conventionally speaking, viruses and bacteria that have multiplied in favorable conditions of a reduced public, political, social, spiritual immunity, - And this decrease in immunity, in turn, we are painted ourselves.

So we will not seem guilty and all the more we will not appoint them. We will define key points based on our estimated judgments, but on sources - historical documents, reliable evidence. All quotes that will be listed here can be found in historical studies available today to all.

Where is Russia with dry?

So what happened in 1917? There is a common opinion that the Tsarist Russia was at the time hopelessly backward, dark, poor country, whose peoples were inhibited by the talentless and bloody monarchical regime. For example, in one of our modern university textbooks on the history of Russia of the 20th century, it is said: "The life of Tsarist Russia was characterized by poverty, retardation, the heavy oppression of autocracy, military ruin." How really it was so?

Recall the famous words that the apologists of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin often lead to the apologists: "Stalin took Russia with a hustle and left it with a nuclear bomb." It is stated that the author of this statement is Winston Churchill. But if we turn to reliable sources, we will see that Churchill in 1917 was very sympathetic to Russia and Nicholas II.

In one of the sources of the time that we can document, he described Russia as a rapidly developing country, which was opposed by three empires - German, Austro-Hungarian, Turkish - and withstood the unusually strong blows of the First World War.

"... In March, the king was on the throne; The Russian Empire and the Russian Army held, the front was provided and the victory is indisputable.

According to the surface fashion of our time, the royal system is customary to be treated as the blind, who rotted, not capable of tyranny. But the analysis of the thirty months of war with Germany and Austria would have to fix these lightweight views. We can measure the strength of the Russian Empire in the impacts that she suffered, by disasters that she experienced, according to the inexhaustible forces, which she developed, and to restore the forces to which she was capable. "

So where is Russia with dry? If we fight in the sources, we will see that the said phrase about the horses and the bomb was indeed uttered, just said it did not Winston Churchill, but the English Marxist Isaac Daughter. We do not know anything special about him, but it is clear that it was the apologist of Marxism after Stalin's death, wanting to raise his hero, said such words.

In 1912, a famous French economist and a journalist Edmon Terry arrived in Russia. Then the Russian government periodically took large loans from France for our industry, for military affairs. Everyone understood that the war was most likely not far off. So, Teri arrived on behalf of the French banks to understand whether it is possible to give new loans to Russia, whether it is solvent.

After examining the industry of our country and the general situation in it, he wrote in his report that if the affairs of European countries would go the same way as they were from 1900 to 1912, by 1950 Russia will dominate in Europe. For us, raised in the Soviet Union, this is a complete surprise! After all, everyone was taught that we have a hopeless past and, in addition to horror, backwardness and illiteracy, about the economy and public life of Tsarist Russia and nothing to remember. And suddenly it turns out that a serious and responsible French economist displays such a resume.

Another interesting example. In 1920, the newly well-known Ministry of Education, which in those days was called the People's Commissariat, decided to study, what is the same degree of literacy in the new then Soviet Russia. The literate population was census. Let me remind you that it was 1920 - the third year of the Civil War, when very many schools did not work, there were nothing to pay teachers. So, it turned out that among adolescents aged 12-16 years - in some provinces up to 86% literate. How could this happen?

It turns out that in 1908 he did in the Duma - was not yet accepted, but did the law on universal primary education, and this project of universal primary education He began to actively incarnate. So most of the then adolescents were literate, because they graduated from elementary school or, in any case, they studied in it.

And what life was in Tsarist Russia? Also "hopeless, beggar, terrible"? Of course, there was any. But by 1913 the dynamics of the country's development, and the situation itself in Russia itself did not seem to be disastrous. Again, the example is remembered. We had a great actress - Alexander Aleksandrovna Apple. She was born in 1866 and lived 97 years. So, in Khrushchev times, when a lot and enthusiastically talked about building communism in the near future, she met young people and she asked her question: "Communism comrade comrade! What will life then? How do you imagine it? " Apple was already a Woman's Woman, maybe she was nothing to lose, maybe from sincere simplicity, but she replied heartfelt: "Baby, how to tell you that will be with communism? Probably it will be almost as good as with the king. "

It is clear that not everything was smooth in Tsarist Russia. It is clear that it was by no means a country with dairy rivers and rivals. But such evidence is also important. And with this it would be necessary to figure it out.

Another example. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, a convinced communist who crushed the foundations of the old world. Being already the first secretary, one day he could not stand and said: "When I was a lockout before the revolution, I lived better than when I was the second secretary of the Ukrainian Party Committee." Wow! And it is Khrushchev. No joke.

But another is really an outstanding Soviet leader - Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin. He was our, so let's say, the Prime Minister in Brezhnev times. This man told about his family: his father was a worker on the St. Petersburg plant, widower, raised three, seems to be children. Kosygin tells about his childhood simply, not hinting at anything: they lived in their own three-bedroom apartment in St. Petersburg, his mother, the pain, did not work, they had a servant, they were not rarely on the Sundays the whole family went to the theater.

These evidence, in my opinion, is enough to make themselves to some research and try to understand what Russia was the time of the most "weak", "non-accurate", "insignificant" emperor Nicholas II. Let's turn to statistics, numbers. At first, let's talk about good, then we will talk about the bad, because, naturally, there was also something in an excess.

In the history of our country there were no such growth rates

The Russian empire by 1913 was either the fourth or - for some indicators - the fifth economy in the world. We were outreach, and seriously averaged the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany. The fourth-fifth place we divided with the French Republic. British Empire - India, Pakistan, Africa, Australia and so on - was at that time the largest in the world in the size of the power. But, which is very important, Russia, ahead of even America, was the first country in the world in terms of industrial production growth rates - as China now.

During the reign of Nicholas II from 1894 to 1917, the population of Russia increased by 50 million people. Never for all our history there were no such growth rates. What does this phenomenon mean? The fact that especially favorable conditions for the life of the people were created. Accordingly, medicine should be at a certain level, social protection. But we will return to this. In 1906, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev calculated that under such growth rates of the population in Russia by the end of the century, that is, by 2000, 600 million people should live.

I will not list all the plants that were then created, "I will only say that the basic capital of high-tech engineering enterprises has doubled only for three pre-war years. The mining of stone coal in the Russian Empire for the period of the reign of Nicholas II increased five times. Cast iron smelting is four times. Copper - five times. Russia produced 12 million tons of oil; For comparison: in the USA - 10 million tons. The production of cotton fabrics has grown more than double, and Russia has become the world's largest exporter of textile products. The number of jobs during the reign of Nicholas II increased from two to five million.

The list of discoveries of Russian science is also impressive: periodic table of Mendeleev, incandescent lamp, electric welding, aircraft - in parallel with Wright brothers, radio, space skate, gas mask, automatic, parachute, seismograph, TV. Russian engineers created ships, cars, tanks. When in the midst of the First World War of Russia, it was necessary to place military orders in America, thousands of Russian engineers were commissioned there and for two years they created the United States Military Industry. Here is a quote from the study of our military historians Barsukova and Yakovlev:

"Russia issued US orders by $ 1.23 billion.

Up to 70% amounted to artillery orders for which Russia paid 1.8 billion gold rubles.

Mainly, the military industry of a huge scale increased in America, the military industry has grown in America, whereas to World War, the American military industry was only in its infancy.

Thousands of Russian engineers and technicians went to put military production.

Only in the US state of Connecticut worked about two thousand people. "

Now to the question of the notorious dryness - agriculture. Russia was in the first place in the world of grain production. Gross grain collection In the Russian Empire by 1913, the harvest of Argentina, the United States and Canada, combined, exceeded the harvest. The average yield was smaller than, let's say, in the US - on average, eight centners with hectares, and they have ten. But we have another climatic zone, and if there were high yields in the south, they were sometimes insignificant in the north, and the general indicators were together together.

The country under Nicolae II was covered with a network of railways. For his reign, their length doubled, while railway construction was truly unprecedented. The world's largest trans-Siberian Highway was built at a speed of 500 kilometers per year - this is in our swamps and taiga.

The ceremony of bookmarking the Trans-Siberian Highway. 1891 year

For comparison: the Germans were built by order of the Turks Istanbul Railway - Baghdad at a speed of 120 kilometers per year; The British - Cairo-Caeptown Transfried Road at a speed of 300 kilometers per year. In the USSR, the well-known Baikal Amur highway was paved at a speed of 200 kilometers a year, despite that it was a construction with completely different technologies and with completely different capabilities. In 1917, the non-freezing port of Romanov-on-Murman - the current Murmansk was launched.

In general, the Russian workers received less, and sometimes significantly less than workers in Germany, in the United States of America, in England and France. But the salary of St. Petersburg workers was comparable, and, let's say, on Putilovsky plant and exceeded the salary of the French workers. About half of the workers lived in their own housing - and this is despite the fact that one and a half decades ago the main place of their habitat were barracks.

After the revolutionary shocks of 1905, the social activity of the state and capital sought to ensure in the general normal, decent life workers. The situation that is called, the eyes changed in their eyes, and this is not an exaggeration. It was in Moscow, and in Naro-Fominsk, and in Tula, it was in our textile regions. In addition, both kindergartens, and nursery, and hospital sheets - all this arose in the "damned Nikolaev time".

The national question ... There is a breaking phrase that the Tsarist Russia was a prison of nations. Of course, there were excesses, there were difficult moments in the Caucasus, there were complications in Poland, which was then as part of the Russian Empire, were Jewish pogroms. But it is necessary to understand that all this has been gradually overcome. And, for example, Western Territories - Poland, Finland, Baltic States - lived at all as in prison, they grow rapidly and were much richer than roasty Russia.

There were groups who sought to free themselves from the royal government. But there were completely different groups that were quite satisfied in the empire. In Finland, for example, a private parliament was acted, there was a selective right for women, whom nothing else had no longer, except New Zealand and Australia. Poland was also largely self-managed territory.

Crime in the Russian Empire was not high - especially compared to what we saw later. For twenty-two years of the reign of "Nicholas Blood", as the state budget Nikolay Alexandrovich is called, 4500 death sentences were made. This is as much as an average for half a year he was taken out during the Soviet Union. Moreover, in Tsarist Russia, where the political terror was everyday life, the state criminals-terrorists were included in this number.

Tsarist Russia is called a despotic, authoritarian state, but intentionally forget that censorship was canceled in the Russian Empire completely in 1906. There were no censorship: Write what you want, say what you want, including in parliament. In the Duma, the Bolsheviks were meeting, who from the stands were broadcast: "Our goal is to destroy the existing state system." There was a huge amount of newspapers of the most different sense.

Since 1897 in Russia, which at the time was the extremely backward relatively developed countries of Europe in the field of health, free medical care was introduced. And by 1917, Zemstvo Hospitals and Zemskoye Motion of Drugs experienced such a rapid growth that two thirds of the population were provided with this free medical help. Only 7 percent of Russia's population was treated in paid medical institutions, everyone else is in free, and medications in the Russian Empire for all Zemsky patients were free. Among the Zemstvo doctors there were many professional, educated and dedicated people.

The level of medical services in such cities as St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov, did not differ, according to the testimony of Western doctors, from the level of Paris, London and New York. This is what the Swiss doctor and Medicine researcher Friedrich Erisman: "The medical organization created by Russian Zemstvo was the greatest achievement of our era in the field of social medicine." It was in Tsarist Russia that everyone has a familiar ambulance station, district doctors, hospital sheets, maternity hospitals, female consultations, dairy kitchens appeared.

During the reign of Nicholas II, not even for the full Board, and from 1896 to 1910, they were openly schools, schools, institutions more than for the entire previous period of Russian history. By 1913, there were 130 thousand schools in Russia.

Megaprojects of the Russian Empire were largely implemented by the Bolsheviks already in soviet period. In particular, the plan of Goello - electrification of the whole country - was conceived and developed in Tsarist Russia. On the table, the emperor lay five metro projects. There were plans for the construction of Turkestan-Siberian highways, irrigation canals in Central Asia, projects in areas such as aviation and underwater fleet.

It is worth paying attention to the finance of the empire. During the reign of Nicholas II, the state budget grew 5.5 times, the gold reserve - 4 times. The ruble was a reliable world currency. In addition, he was gold, that is, it was possible to come, give a piece of paper and get a gold coin. The percentage rate of the State Bank did not exceed 5%. This gave the possibility of the development of industry and lending. At the same time, the incomes of the treasury of the Russian Empire grew without any increase in taxes, that is, at the expense of those fees that had previously existed. Our taxes were four times less than, for example, taxes in England. Imagine what all this was an incentive, as they say now, for medium, small, and a large business.

Historians argue that Russia's problem was not backwardness, but on the contrary, too rapid economic growth.

The most important issue in Russia has always been the issue of land. We know that in 1861, the peasants were released by Emperor Alexander II to freedom. Of course, the problem of landlord and peasant land tenure after that has long existed and continued to remain relevant and on the 17th year. "Earth - peasants!" - We all know this magically acting on the people of the slogan of those who soon have been owned by the entire land ownership of our peasants. So, if we look at the pre-revolutionary statistics and compare with what was in other countries, we will see without exaggeration striking facts.

How many land by 1917 belonged to the peasants? There are accurate numbers. In the European part of Russia, peasants or their communities belonged 68% of the lands. And from the Urals to Siberia, peasants belonged to 100% of the lands. And compare with other countries? And these numbers are also available. What do you think, how much land beloved to the peasants, that is, those who have done this land, in such a democratic country as the United Kingdom? Zero. The whole land belonged to Land Lordam, and the peasants took this land for rent.

But, of course, everything was not so simple. The number of peasant families grew, land was still lacked, the mechanization was low in comparison with the world level. But again - the speaker! She was the most encouraging and positive. Compare the situation of 1861 and the seventeenth. But they went on a well-known condone path: to select and divide everything. As a result, according to experts, when the Bolsheviks confiscated land in landlords and distributed to peasant farms, on average, the size of the income grew up ... per month.

Another well-known requirement of that time is an eight-hour working day. In the seventeenth year, he really made eleven and a half hours, somewhere less. But the war went, and reduce the working day, first of all at military factories, was at least a very strange demand. In England and France, for example, such slogans immediately caused a cruel response of the state, and even all workers of military factories were simply mobilized. This is what the contemporary of those events wonderful military historian Anton Kershnovsky writes:

"On February 18 (1917) a strike broke out on the Putilovsky factory. In the Democratic France, a factory worked on the defense and animated in wartime, would be detained by Senegalese, and all the instigators are set to the first wall. In the "country of arbitrariness and whip" did not move from the place of any city ... "

In 1916, the entire city was bombed in Dublin artillery without any problems, thousands of people were killed - the laws of wartime. We endlessly went the dialogues in Putilovsky and other military enterprises of St. Petersburg, with trade unions and provocateurs demanding increased wages, reduce the working day (in a military one, once again, time, that is, the question here about the number of weapons for the front and combat capability of the country).

Yes pour them all wanted

If everything was so good, why did the february coup happen? And who were his creators? What did they want, those who have tried so much that the problems arranged and for themselves with their loved ones, and for subsequent generations, and for the whole of our country?

Who was at the head of the February Revolution? The first thing that comes to mind is revolutionaries. And who is our chief revolutionary in the 20th century? "Grandfather Lenin", we all remember well. "Grandfather Lenin" in 1917 was in a wonderful and quiet country, which is called Switzerland. He lived there for a long time, in emigration in the glorious city of Zurich.

Two months before the revolutionary events that overwhelmed the whole world, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin performed in front of the Swiss Socialist Youth. It was January 9, 1917. Ilyich asked the question: "Dear Vladimir Ilich, and when will the World Revolution, including the revolution in Russia, will be made, including the revolution in Russia?" He answered this in Leninsky directly - I quote the collection of works by V.I. Lenin:

V. I. Lenin and N. K. Krupskaya. 1918

« We, old men, may not live to the decisive battles of this coming revolution. But ..., I think that youth ... will have happiness not only to fight, but also to win in the coming proletarian revolution» .

On the revolution in Russia, the future leader of the revolution found out from the Swiss newspapers in a month and a half.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya recalled: "As soon as we learned about the events in Petrograd, Volodya did not find himself places, ran, talked to himself, built huge plans." But for the sake of fairness, I must say that Vladimir Ilyich gave the "mad", as he himself loved to speak, for the situation in Russia to be destabilized. But he did not become a protrusion of the fate of our country in that February.

Another famous revolutionary is Viktor Chernov - then led the most major revolutionary parties - the movement of Serc. There were terrorists, and legal esters. But he writes that at that time, before February, there were no prerequisites for the revolution, all the figures of the revolutionary movement from among the essences were either in prison, or in the link or in distant emigration.

What is this revolution without revolutionaries? Is it possible?

There was such a wonderful smart person - the American President Roosevelt, who shared once a certain important conclusion, to which he came for the long years of his political life. He said: "In politics, nothing happens by chance. If something happened, it was so conceived. "

Undoubtedly, revolutionaries were. Subsequently, some of them were trying to get angry from the title "Creator of February". Other true creators have attached even more strength to stay in the shade. Third - bitterly swore. Their names are no secret, especially for historians. This is the leader State Duma Rodzianko, and with him and most deputies of the State Duma. These are Russian industrialists: Prince Lviv, Alexander Guccov - the richest people in Russia. These are great princes - the nearest relatives of the sovereign. This is our domestic, Russian and Russian intelligentsia. These are the highest military ranks. This is the press. This is undoubtedly people who do not belong to the citizenship of the Russian Empire, which we also say.

Wines for the assumptions of the premises and the development of the revolution certainly lies both on the government of the sovereign Nikolai II. Talk about it is heavy and special, but deeply convinced that it is necessary. We will definitely return to the analysis of the actions of the sovereign and the government. Of course, not in order to accuse and judge. This applies to all participants in those events. But no one has canceled work on mistakes and "parsing". Remember Klyuchevsky: "History is not a teacher, but a strict overshadler: she does not teach anything, but he is harshly punishable for ignorance."

But nevertheless about the specific Cotors of the coup. These are our compatriots, the then unconditional elite of the country. In our difficult, but the successful country they were people who stood in many important steering wheel. And this is surprising: it is safe to say with confidence: they all wanted only the only good for Russia, they all endlessly, as they sincerely believed and convinced others, loved their country.

And so, from the whole big heart, wanting one thing to Fatherland, these people eventually handed over the country to a person who clearly defined his attitude towards her: "And to Russia, the gentlemen are good, I do not care."

This is a Lenin quotation recorded by the old Bolshevik George Solomon. "The road to hell is wounded by good intentions." The saying of the Russian people than ever became relevant during this period - a hundred years ago.

Yes, they loved Russia. But, however, they loved themselves. In our Sretensky Monastery recently held a conference, which was attended by famous historians, leaders of the largest Russian archives. After a long and sharp discussion, we asked: "But why did the Huchkov, Rodzianko, Lviv, when they brewed all this intrigue? What did General Alekseev wanted - a person lined with endless confidence of the emperor, other generals, who also loved Russia, but in their own words of late repentance, who betrayed Nicholas II and started a conspiracy? " And one of our oldest historians sighed and said: "Yes, they wanted everyone. Charge. " And it was very important to me: here we completely agreed.

Reference of the participants of the February Revolution in the Marine Cathedral of Kronstadt

Why Nicholas II entered war

Speaking about the causes of the February coup, about his "drive belts" and his lessons, we, of course, cannot but stop at the First World War.

It was the first giant slaughter in the history of mankind. Millions of the dead ... shocks for the whole world - after all thought: we wake, as always, a month or two, and then we'll figure it out, who won Germany, the British with the French ... But in fact, the unprecedented horror continued and grew a year after year, for the first time this number was deaths. We can not even imagine what psychological importance was the First World War, as she turned all the former ideas.

We will not talk about the causes of the war: Clear: everyone wanted his own. But despite the fact that Russia wanted her own, the sovereign Emperor Nicholas II is the only one who really did everything to prevent war.

Sometimes they say: "Why did Nicholas II joined the war? No need to join. " Wait, but Germany declared the war of Russia, despite all the letters of Nicholas to Wilhelm and even his plea. Then the German army was the most powerful, without exaggeration, military car in the world. Together with Austria-Hungary, she fought against the whole world for several years - just as fascist Germany fought against the whole world, including the Soviet Union, America, England, France. Now imagine that such a country declares the war and invade the limits of the Russian Empire. The question to those clever people who say that it was not necessary to fight: what did it have to do in this case? Everything that could be taken to not be war, the sovereign did. And then it was necessary to defend.

In 1914-1915, Russia has undergone severe blows from Germany. We retreated in our West - and in the kingdom of Polish and in the Baltic States. Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich was commander in chief. But when the war approached the original Russian Western borders and arose about the delivery of Kiev, Nicholas II commemorate the command of the army.

I heard a lot, including from historians: "This was a mistake! No need to do it. What is he commander-in-chief ... "And let's look at the facts. 1914-1915 - almost solid lesions, retreat. A month after the sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich becomes commander in chief, the retreat ceased. He did not give any inches of Russian land. "The Intangular Commander-in-Chief ..." And let's compare what it is possible to compare, correctly: the first and second, world domestic wars. Didn't the heroic defense of Moscow? Petrograd blockade? Delivery Smolensk, Kiev, Caucasus, Crimea? ..

Russia as well as all other countries except Germany entered into war in generally unprepared. We had a shelling and weapons hunger. Although - and this is again a return to what was represented by the Russian Empire, - by the beginning of the war Russia had 263 aircraft, Germany had less - 232, in England even less - 258, in France - 156. And by the end of the war Nikolay Alexandrovich Organized such a military industry, which did not dream and our Western allies. In 1917, we already had 1500 airplanes. Imagine what it is: during the war to rebuild the industry? A Kovrov military plant was built, the future ZIL was laid.

Russia suffered many defeats, suffered many victims. But these sacrifices were less than in other warring countries: in our country there were 11 dead per 100 mobilized, in England - 13, in Germany - 15, in France - 17. Killed and wounded in the first world in Russia were 60 times less than during the Great Patriotic War.

Nikolay Alexandrovich, as they say, was a mediocrous commander. And what was the heroic defense of Moscow? Or maybe there was a blockade of Petrograd? Germans took Kiev, Kharkov? This, however, happened, but only a few months after the overthrow of the king and the commander-in-chief. This mediocre, how someone is expressed, the commander did not allow it, although he fought with three empires and a number of their satellites. As one of the historians of our army said, Peter I re-re-equipped the Russian army for twenty years, and the emperor Nicholas had only two years for this. The re-equipment of Russia was so crushing for our enemies, that even the leaders of the German army were recognized: with the potential, which was accomplished in Russia, the chances of winning the war in Germany remains.

The emperor himself planned many offensive. This, in particular, and the famous Lutsk breakthrough, which is sometimes called Brusilovsky, who almost destroyed the Austro-Hungarian army. In addition to the military victories, an amazing diplomatic victory was obsessed: an agreement was concluded, which became a story under the name of the Sizax contract - Pico. According to this agreement, according to the results of the First World War, Russia after the victory received Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the entire Northern Turkey, as well as collective, common with the British, control over Palestine and huge reparations from the aggressor - Germany. By the way, the winner's powers in the First World War, among whom Russia did not enter, stopped receiving payments from Germany for the first world War in 2010 year.

Nikolai ІІ. 1916

Victory was not far off. Here you, for example, testimony of Denikin: "I am not inclined to idealize our army, but when the Pharisees, leaders of the Russian revolutionary democracy, trying to justify the army collapsed mainly by their hands, assure that she has already been close to decomposition, they are lying .<…> The old Russian army concluded enough forces to continue the war and win. "

Yes, there were difficulties with transport, especially in the winter of the seventeenth year: unprecedented snowy winter, drifts, - but it was solved problems, not disastrous. By the way, to say, Nikolai Alexandrovich's weapons prepared so much that he was enough for all civil war. Or than, as you thought, fought red and white, because the industry collapsed by the end of the seventeenth year. Fought what was harvested by the royal government. The machine-gun plant in the carpet was the largest among those similar in the world.

Everything was prepared for victory. Even a special form for victory parades in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople was sewn, including those similar to the ancient helmets of Russian Vityaze hats, which were later called "Budenov". After the revolution, they were taken out from the warehouses, cut off double-headed eagles and peeled red stars. Then there were sewn and leather for aviators, in which the commissioners then went.

No Orthodox country Russia was not

We all know the regrettable fact that a person can go crazy. But in the same way can disucky and all society. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his genius novel "Crime and Punishment" of the prophetically wrote, as the splitters in the hot delirium, saw a dream that some strange trikins were captured by people, and people became like insane: they rushed to each other, tormented , killed, without understanding why. Some communities were organized, then these communities began to host each other until complete destruction. The winners rushed again on others. Similar prophetic descriptions of the events of the seventeenth and subsequent years are present in the legacy of our great saints who prevented compatriots about these terrible coming years.

This is what the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky said, who died in 1833: "A hundred years after my death, the Russian land will be called by the blood rivers, but the Lord will not fully disintegrate, and it will not be afraid to collapse, save more Orthodoxy and the remnants of the piety of Christian." "We are on the way to the revolution," the Saint Feofan wrote, who died in 1894. "The Russian kingdom hesitates, walks and close to fall," said St. John Kronstadt at the beginning of the 20th century. - The state retreated from the church will die how Byzantium died. The people who departed from the height of Orthodoxy will be given to slavery with the wicked, as it happened with the same Byzantine kingdom. The sky ascended for his Orthodoxy Rus to hell is underway. "

Often you can hear the question: "How was the possible revolution and subsequent persecution of the church in the Orthodox country?" In fact, no Orthodox country Russia was then not.

When they talk about loyalty to Orthodoxy, it is necessary to understand: it is not about loyalty to rites or religion as such. We are talking about a true understanding of the essence of things that gives, from our Orthodox point of view, only a deep personal connection with the Lord God. When the people loses this personal connection, he is left and god.

In the Russian Empire there were many attributes of religiosity, but most of the people were simply confused by their spiritual relationship with God and the Church: that the seminarians that the bishops were delighted with the February Revolution with the whole intelligentsia, absolutely not understanding what would happen next. But this is the topic of a special conversation.

And the army tested intrigue

Events developed rapidly. It is believed that at the beginning of the seventeenth year, food problems began in the country. Indeed, food cards were introduced, but only one product was on sugar. Why exactly on sugar? And simply because chasmogon chas.

Moreover, by this time in France, the Food Cards were introduced in England. Even in the US, even in Denmark. Read the remark, Hemingway - there is about how young people were looking for some kind of products. In Austro-Hungary and Germany, an adult German in the rear received 220 grams of bread per day - it is less than in a blockade Leningrad. In Germany and Austria-Hungary more than a million people died from hunger.

Compared with this, Russia was a country of real. (By the way, historians sometimes call the February Revolution - "The Revolution of Folded".) The Kommersant newspaper dated February 7, 1917 describes food problems in Petrograd:

"Lemons on the market is not at all. In extremely limited quantities there is an ice cream lemon in the market, and the prices for 330 pieces are 65 rubles. No pineapples. "

Those who will live in a year after a year, and a little more than in twenty years will be in the blockade Leningrad, the whims of the seventeenth year, with a lack of lemons, will seem just ridiculous.

But there was a problem and more serious. For a short time, the government could not provide a full-scale driving of bread. Until the next harvest, there was 197 million pounds of tons, it would be enough for the excess for Russia, and for exporting allies. Bread and Petrograd was fully, but since the snowy congestion on the railway arose, rumors went that hunger would come soon.

In general, rumors played a special role in all these terrible events. Our wonderful thinker and publicist Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich wrote: "Rumors thorough Russia." Rumors believed a hundred percent: "They say that bread will no longer be - it means to die with everything from hunger! Brought Russia! "

The hostess lined up in long "tails", as they were then called, and purchased as much bread as possible. And the bread at this time did not bring, some bakery were already empty. Then General Habalov, the head of the Petrograd garrison, threw bread from urban stocks on the shelves. But panic was already sown. And March 8, on International Women's Day - February 23 in the old style, women with children went to the streets. Rather, they brought them: we remember the words of Roosevelt: "In politics, nothing happens by chance. If something happened, it was so conceived. " These women began to smash full bread shops with screams: "Bread! Of bread!" It was real madness of unfortunate women who brought to such a state that they were afraid of hungry death for their children.

Queue to the confectionery store in Petrograd. 1917

At the same time, no less strange things began to occur. On the Putilovsky factory - the most secured military orders, with the highest wage - there was a small conflict of workers with the administration. Workers are asking for wages, the administration begins to negotiate with them ... The then Russian Rutin. And suddenly, as by order, the management of the plant dismisses all workers. Lockout. 36 thousand healthy men appear on the street without work and with automatically canceled armor, now they are waiting for the front.

Following Putilovtsy, all the military factories of Petrograd are starting to strike. Imagine what needs to be done to make military factories in wartime? What was the work done? Soon, hundreds of thousands of workers go to the demonstrations. Who was interested in this?

This is what Lion Trotsky writes: "February 23 was an international women's day. He was assumed to note in social democratic circles in general, meetings, speeches, leaflets. On the eve I never occurred to anyone that the Women's Day could be the first day of revolution. None of the organizations called for strikes. " No organization urged, but the number of demonstrators exceeded 300 thousand people. Is it so? Soon the Petrograd garrison crossed on the side of the rebels. The situation became very serious. "If something happens in politics, it does not happen by chance."

Recently, the so-called "Tom Archives", in them, among other things, the reporting of the French intelligence officer, resident in Petrograd Malecy were discovered in France. That's how it describes the course of events:

"In the days of the revolution, Russian agents in English service packs handed out rubles to soldiers, encouraging them to push red cocardia."

And such evidence can be given a lot.

Here Tatyana Botkin, a contemporary of events, writes:

"Workers bastardized, walked around the streets, broke trams, lamppost pillars, killed cities, and brutally killed, and, no matter how strikingly, women were repented with these ministers of order. The reasons for these riots were not clear to anyone. Caught strikers diligently asked why they began all this alteration. There was an answer: "And we do not know. We were puzzled and they say: Bay trams and cities. Well, we beat "."

Petrograd garrison, which was housed in the city, was essentially not from the military, but from just designed recruits. Basically, of course, they completely did not want to fight and have already been raised by the forces systemically engaged in anti-government propaganda. And finally, the first killing of the officer - Unter Bricks the first shot his commander - the soldier's rebellion began.

Nikolay Alexandrovich, having learned about what happened in the capital, commanded hard to stop the riot - it was his duty as a king. General Habalov, commander of the Petrograd Military District, absolutely not coped with the execution of the order, and then the sovereign went to the capital from the bet in Mogilev himself. But at this time, conspirators - and these are deputies of the State Duma, Gucheus with conspirators and the highest army generals - did everything to force the emperor to renounce the throne. For what? What was the goal? Replace Nicholas II on another, more convocating and submissive will the will of the state leader. Let's say on the heir to Tsarevich Alexy with the regency of Brother Nicholas II - Mikhail.

Mikhail was a personally very brave person. He led the "Wild Division," was a courageous military, but a politician - no, and volitional qualities he also had very doubtful, except for the qualities of the army. This was just calculated on it.

And they did everything. The army in the face of its highest military leaders tested intrigue. She was brewed by General Alekseev, the head of the General Staff, with the help of those people who were directed - in particular, Alexander Guccov and Mikhail Rodzianko. They compiled such a telegram to the commander of the fronts, which presented the situation with absolutely hopeless, and the output outlined only one - the renunciation of Emperor Nicholas II.

And here is the army, in the loyalty of which sacredly believed the sovereign, which he led to the victory, which he raised from a serious decline, led to the offensive - suddenly his renunciation was placed. The generals, whom the emperor himself bleasting himself, making them military leaders, everything as one sent him telegrams: "Begower, Your Majesty, renounce. You are a stumbling block. If you stay - the front will collapse and the Civil War will begin ... "

The king was pressed against the wall, before him there were the requirements of renunciation, the ultimately represented by all the commander of the fronts, the State Duma, their relatives, primarily the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich.

But it was not all. The renunciation occurred on March 2. And on the eve, that is, on March 1, when the emperor was still the head of state, all allies - England, France and our future ally on Antante United States of America - recognized the temporary committee of the State Duma by the legal government.

Blackwalking from all sides by the danger of the Civil War, the onset of the Germans, while in almost captive in Pskov, in the hated General Ruzsky, he signed a renunciation in favor of Mikhail's brother, hoping to stop the troubles.

Reference from the throne of Nicholas II. In the royal car: Minister of Yard Baron Frederix, General N. Shopsky, V.V. Shulgin, A.I. Khukov, Nicholas II. March 2, 1917, the State Historical Museum.

It turned out that Russia - a very difficult task

What happened then? On March 2, the Provisional Government, having received the renunciation of Nicholas II, took power into his hands. What was the delight of Petrograd, all the progressive, thinking Russia! One of the poets - Leonid Cannegser - wrote: "Then the blissful entrance // in a death and joyful sleep // I remember - Russia, freedom, Kerensky on a white horse."

No lag behind, unfortunately, and our church. The wonderful hierarch, which then passed links, prisons, - Archbishop Arseny (Stadnitsky) wrote: "Finally, the church is free, what happiness!" It is difficult to list - for a long time, and hurt - the enthusiasm of all those people who are very soon, after a few months, will understand how much they were insane, that they have done.

But nothing could be done. Remember, there is such a song on the poems of Leonid Derbenev - it would seem frivolous, and in fact very wise - "This world is not invented by us." There are such wonderful words: "And the world is arranged so, // that everything is possible in it, // But after, it is impossible to fix anything."

But progressive society did not know about it yet. On the contrary, everyone was happy and full of hope! "Finally, this insignificant, the urgent king is not, finally the best people of Rossi, the most worthy, the smartest, the most beautiful and skillful will lead our unfortunate country!"

On March 5, the new Provisional Government, these "geniuses" of the Office, abolished the entire local administration - governors, vice-governors. "We will not appoint anyone, in the ground will choose," said the head of the Prince of Prince Lviv. "Such questions should not be solved from the center, but by the population themselves. The future belongs to the people who have been their genius in these real days. What great happiness is to live these days! " Then they decided: "eliminate the minions of the criminal royal regime!" They dispersed the police and gendarmes, we were rushing not the fact that the entire vertical of power, but even all the power in the field. The madness of the elections began, began to put forward alone, other, third, fifths, tenths.

The economy rose, and by June Russia economically collapsed. The country has become unmanageable.

They released all criminals, released all terrorists who were sitting. Pulled out from abroad in sealing and uncomclosed cars of all terrorists who were sent, and they began to take power according to the full program.

And what "brilliant" solutions were accepted by the army? Cancel subordination in the army - now they must be managed by officers, but the advice of soldiers' deputies. In the army was crushed discipline. Forted and front. The victory, tragic, heavy, but necessary for the country, which was already before the eyes, did not. The Germans switched to a victorious offensive - they realized that they had achieved her.

What does "achieve their" mean? The fact is that long before the February events it was decided that Nikolay Alexandrovich should be changed - too dismantle. This decision was accepted by our Western partners, and the German General Staff. The Germans tried to find ways to the Separate World between Germany and Russia. But Nikolay Alexandrovich was unshakable.

The Germans through such an odious figure as Alexander Parvus, who was the first patron saint of our Bolsheviks at the time, began to lead anti-state propaganda in the Russian Empire. It is clear that they needed: decompose the country and the army from the inside. This, not embarrassed, as the main goal of the second Reich, said the main goal: "Russia is invincible in the external war, the only way is to destroy it from the inside." They turned out to be absolutely right.

But even harder it was with our allies. We remember how in 1944-1945 that only our allies did not make it out to push us from German lands so that we caught the territories in Europe as far as possible. And in the First World War was the same situation. The British understood perfectly: now Russia will take a dominant position, and 15 million Russian troops will be in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople. It was a terrible dream for everyone - for the Germans, and for our allied partners.

This is what the man wrote, whom we all know well as a wonderful writer, - Arthur Conan Doyle - in 1920 in his journalistic article for the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "Even if Russia won and remained an empire, didn't it be for us the source of the new A terrible threat? " The commander-in-chief of the German army, General Ludendorf, wrote: "The king was overthrown by the revolution, which the Entente supported."

Before that, in the middle of the XIX century, English Prime Minister Lord Palmerston complained: "How hard to live in the world, when no one has warped with Russia." Frankly, probably, and you will not say ... The creator and genius of the military German doctrine Karl von Clausevitz wrote that Russia "can only be defeated by its own weakness and the action of internal contention." It was for this that the activities of the German intelligence and the activities of the British intelligence were also directed. They thought with horror that our troops were about to turn out to be in European cities.

The influence of Western partners and allies for February events was undoubted and, if not decisive (we remember about the chief factor, which we defined as exhausted and overshadowed public and state immunity), then very serious in the situation created. A variety of documented examples can be given, how the English ambassador George Bucanen openly involved the Russian aristocracy to the conspiracy against the emperor. The task was alone - to change Nikolay Alexandrovich, about changing the monarchy did not think. Lenin wrote in 1917:

"The whole course of the events of the February-March revolution shows it clear that the English and French embassies, with their agents and connections.<…> Directly sought to displacing Nikolai Romanov. "

The participation of German agents acting in their own interests - the weakening of Russia and the exit of it from the war against Germany was recorded. American bankers also made their weight contribution. But also repeat once again: they were only the secondary forces of the catastrophe. Each of these parties strongly encouraged the ambitious representatives of the Russian elite, happily believed that they were much better than the emperor sovereign, they would manage the country. These people and became the leaders of the Provisional Government, raising the country in a few months.

It turned out that Russia was a very difficult task, and even the brightest and adorable intelligentsia, such as Lviv, Milyukov, Muchkov, Kerensky - were absolutely incapable. That is why the emperor Nicholas II categorically did not agree when he for many months was offered to compile the so-called "responsible government" from these people - the future February ministers. He knew perfectly what they were standing: he was boring counterintelligence, and he himself personally was well acquainted with them.

To which Nikolai Alexandrovich was hoping in this situation, every day I became more severe. He hoped for the army. It was convinced that, as it would neither habitually be familiar to the Duma, no matter how they would intrigue his next aristocratic relatives, no matter how opposed the Russian intelligentsia, the army, his favorite brainchild, in which he put so much soul and strength, will not let him down. With close to him former governor Mogilev with a pyline and a shchelovitis emperor shared his plans: with the guidance of order, you need to postpone the beginning of the spring offensive of Russian armies. Victory on the fronts in the root will change the situation, and then it will be possible to remove the destructive opposition and begin the necessary public and government reforms (including the graduation of independence of Poland). Obviously, in the midst of the war, such transformations would be madness.

But it understood not only the sovereign.

Here is the recognition of P.N. Milyukov from his letter Joseph Revenko in January 1918:

"You know that a firm decision to take advantage of the war for the production of coup was undertaken by us shortly after the start of this war. At the end of April or early May, our army was supposed to go to the offensive, as a result of which all sorts of hints on dissatisfaction would immediately stop at the root and what would cause patriotism and babysitization in the country. "

We are already mentioned by Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich, analyzing the events of those days, wrote:

"The sovereign of the emperor was overloaded in front of any human opportunity. And he did not have helpers. He took care of the losses in the army, and about the smokeless gunpowder, and about the aircraft I. Sikorsky, and the production of poisonous gases, and to protect against even more poisonous salons. He lay on it and the command of the army, and diplomatic relations, and severe struggle with our premature parliament, and God knows what else. And here, the sovereign of the emperor made fatal inappropriate: believed the generals beam, Gurko and Habalov. It is this fateful not wonder that has become the original point of the February palace coup. (...) This betrayal could be put in Ukore the Emperor: why did he not provide? With absolutely the same degree of logicality, it would be possible to reproach Caesar: Why did he not provide for a bruta with his dagger? "

The arrogant generals whom the emperor made a lot and spent on the service staircase, betrayed not only him, but also all of Russia. Without much resistance, they gave themselves to convince themselves in the need to overthrow the sovereign. They with an even greater hunt assured themselves that they were, and not this boring all the "meditarian emperor" - should enter the winners in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople.

Nikolai ІІ after renunciation. March 1917.

By the way, two words about Constantinople. It often imagines that our "dreams" about Constantinople is a certain great-core idiocy. Nothing like this. The main thing (it was particularly clear after the defeat in the Crimean War) that the free permanent passage through the straits in the Mediterranean Sea for Russia is the most important issues of national security, this is the most important factor in the economy. Says - Pico's agreement was, on the one hand, the victory of Nicholas II, and on the other - the signature under this contract was and signature under the sentence himself: our Western partners did not meet this contract at all, which there are many written and very cynical evidence. .

As part of our conversation, of course, it is impossible to mention all or even many unusually important events, evidence and facts. This is a visit to Petrograd Lord Millner, and the participation of American bankers, and the subversive, in a different way you can not say, the activities of the Duma, and helpless, and then the educational actions of many official monarchists, and a wide analysis of government errors ... although about this, last and most important We will talk in the final of our meeting.

The generals who wrote to their emperor and the commander-in-chief the same telegrams about renunciation, soon deeply died. Alekseev said: "I will never forgive myself that I believed that the renunciation of the sovereign of Emperor Nicholas II would entail the benefit of Russia." General Evert sobbed when he learned about the death of the royal family, and admitted to his wife: "No matter what they say, and we traitors are traitors are oath, and we are to blame for all this." Alexeyev with late repentance organized a white movement and prematurely died in Ekaterinodar from lung inflammation.

General of the Ruzsky - a cruel and self-reading person, ruthlessly degraded Nicholas II in the clock of renunciation - the Bolsheviks stabbed as hostage in Pyatigorsk. General Alexeyev prematurely died in Ekaterinodar from the inflammation of the lungs. General Evert in 1918 shot a red convoy in Mozhaisk. General Sakharov was shot by anarchists in the Crimea. General Brusilov switched to the service in the Red Army, lived to seventy-two years in the service of Bolsheviks, who hated. Lion Trotsky is evil, but unfortunately, rightly later wrote:

"Among the command staff did not find anyone who would have come for their king. All in a hurried to transfer to the ship of the revolution in solid calculation to find cozy cabins there. The generals and admirals removed the royal monograms and put on red bows. Everyone was saved as he could. "

Pavel Milyukov - Minister of Foreign Affairs in the first temporary government of Prince Lviv Gorky recognized: "The story will curse the leaders of our, so-called proletarians, but will curse us that caused the storm."

There were many such late repentance, a lot.

Russian Enlightened Society:« Let the Germans bother, just not Romanovs!»

Along with all this, we can say: there were English interests, there were French interests, there were German interests, there were our elites, who were striving for complete power, but, first of all, the engine of this revolution, all this lawlessness, was the general Russian society. Not only the fatal mistakes of the government, conspiracies, betrayal, in general, undoubted diseases of the degradation of the aristocratic-noble monarchy influenced the events of the February Revolution, but the main thing is complete support of society.

We must touch back another extremely important and relevant topic - this is the Russian intelligent society, without the most active support for which February events are unthinkable. In those days in Petrograd, there was a man who, from my point of view, was better than others and determined one of the deep reasons for the paradoxical and fatal opposition of society and power. In any case, the Company, which is commonly referred to as Enlightened, and easier - our intelligentsia and a semi-attilection. This man was the ambassador of the French Republic in Petrograd Maurice Paleolog. That's what he said about us and that it is important for us to comprehend and remember: "No people," Maurice Paleologists entered into Russia, "does not give in so easy influence and suggestion as the people Russian."

Systemic "influences and suggestion", which were applied to the Society from the outside and inside, had a huge acceptance of these impacts, unprecedented civil response, and after it destructive and for the country, for the people and primarily for the members of the "Enlightened Society" Suicide actions. These actions could extend from a real terror in which the participation of "enlightened society", the intelligentsia and the nobles were generally dominant (Sophia Perovskaya, A. Yulianov, many others), to direct essentially supporting the intelligentsia of terror against state structures.

The striking results of spontaneous surveys of the then professorsome and students are known to whether to report to the police about the upcoming terrorist act against officials: the general answer is "no". Or, let's say, to the question: who would you file hand: a terrorist-killer or minister, a common answer: "Terrorist".

Russia at the beginning of the reign of Nikolai Alexandrovich was a country with a huge number of problems, the main of which was a contradiction between the authorities and society. The power did not manage to find mutual language with society. And the society categorically did not want to find this common language. The results are known for us.

Such behavior of society is characteristic of adolescent consciousness, corresponds to the adolescent period of human development, characterized by the complete absence of inner harmony, negativity, by opposing to parents, educators, elders. The blind breaking of the usual authorities, the capricious-painful desire of total independence in the absence of any real experience and sufficiently developed mental abilities. This adolescent consciousness in our great Russian intelligentsia is chronic and ineciliable disease. She pays for periods, we wiser after unheard of tests. But then again, chronic ailments with a new force returns if not to all, then the considerable part of our Russian society. Dostoevsky quite studied and pathogenesis and the course of this disease and described in the third dream of the Raskolnikov its current in the most launched form:

"There were some new trikhins, the creatures of the microscopic, which were universed in the body of people. But these creatures were perfume gifted by the mind and will. People who took them in themselves became immediately launched and crazy. But never, never people did not consider themselves as smart and unshakable in truth, as they considered infected. Never considered unshakable their sentences, their scientific conclusions, their moral beliefs and beliefs. Whole villages, whole cities and peoples have become infected and mad. Everyone was anxious and did not understand each other, everyone thought that in him in one and the truth was, and suffered, looking at others, he beat himself in his chest, cried and broke his hands. They did not know who and how to judge, could not agree to consider evil that good. They did not know who to blame who would justify. People killed each other in some meaningless malice. They gathered on each other with whole armies, but the army, already in the campaign, suddenly began to distort themselves, the ranks were frustrated, the warriors rushed to each other, whether each other was sanging, biting and fished. In the cities all day beat in Nabat: they were convened, but who calls for something, no one knew that, and everyone was alarm. Left the most ordinary crafts, because everyone offered his thoughts, his amendments, and could not agree; Stopped agriculture. In some places, people flew into the heaps, agreed together for anything, did not part, they immediately started something completely different than now they themselves assumed, they began to blame each other, they were silent. "

Nothing reminds?

In no country in the world there was such a layer of an educated society that would be so fundamentally and constantly opposed to any action of its state authorities. This teenage complex is the most important problem of Russian life. Moreover, to this day of the group and the community (regardless of their liberal or conservative orientation), obsessed with such a proud adolescent consciousness, the argessly imagines themselves by the most healthy and unique right representatives of the people.

One of the slogans of part of the intelligentsia during the First World War was: "Let the Germans will win, just not Romanov!" This is later they will mourn the old life in Paris, in Belgraduch, grab the birch trees, pour tears, and then ...

One example. I have a close friend - Zurab Mikhailovich Chavchavadze - from the princely family, the Russian pre-revolutionary elite. His mother, Maria Lvivna, who in 1917 it was about seventeen years old, said: they then lived in the royal village. One day a neighbor came to visit the tea, also an aristocrat from a large Society. And during the conversation, the guest said such words: "Well, when will these bastards pay us from their presence?" Mother Maria Lvivna asked: "Who do you mean?" Guest answered: "These ... Romanovs!" Then the hostess of the house got up and said: "I ask you to leave my home and never come to us." Since then, their family has become an outcast in the royal village. They declared a boycott. They became neuropaq. They ceased to greet them.

Now about the "suggestion." And before the war, and especially during the war, the domestic press was flooded with a huge number of the most nasty and fallen wovers. These were the endless sense that the Empress - German by birth - the German spy that the telegraph from the royal village was laid right in the Vilhelm's bet, the Empress emanates all the military secrets of her husband and informs the enemy. That is why, they spoke terrible and completely seriously, that is why our army retreats. Everyone was convinced that Russia manage dirty, illiterate, the depraved man - Rasputin. Through the empress, blindly a believer and, moreover, his mistress, he dictates his own will. All of them were combined with one brand: "Dark forces". To live under the rule of such dark forces became truly unbearable. If indeed, of course, believe in all this. "Our mind is frozen!"

Unfortunately, a country in the face of its elite, and then the simple people believed it. And how not to believe?! This was spoken out loud in the Great Salons, in the Duma, in Tea, in the ministries, at universities, on the fronts.

Demonstration of workers on February 2, 1917. Living caricature at Gregory Rasputin and Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Protopopova

Soon after the February Revolution, the first CC in New Russia was organized - an emergency investigative commission. One of her secretaries, by the way, was Alexander Blok. The main task of the Emergency Investigation Commission was to investigate and prepare for the nationwide court of the most high-ranking criminals against the interests of Russia, primarily the characters of the most "dark forces". You can imagine, with such a zeal and addiction, the investigators for this trusted people and the temporary government, the results of which everyone seemed completely obvious to: the whole country and even the whole world said about anti-people and shameful in all respects. After a few months of interrogations, the consequences, the study of a huge massif of the material of the material seized, the Commission did not find anything, emphasized - anything - a compromising either on the emperor, empress, nor the closest associates. The conclusions of this commission are in the archives in open access, they can see them.

Even on the topic of the influence of Alexandra Fedorovna, and through her and Rasputin on her husband, "repentable". Sergey Oldenburg discovered seventeen letters of the queen, in which she either gave advice to her husband, including during the war, or transferred the tips of our friend, that is, Rasputin. Indeed, such letters and such advice were. But none of them the emperor in life proved that it was established by the Extraordinary Investigative Commission defeated from such a discovery.

And I will tell you a secret: it would be better if he listened!

Alexandra Fedorovna was a completely striking person in our history. German, brought up at the courtyard of the English Queen, she became a true Russian and absorbed the best features of all cultures and peoples, her upbringing. Together with a brilliant education and non-real mind, all this made it one of the most insightful and wise heart of women of Russia. Amazing her letters relating to her husband's councils. That is not a request that neither the proposal is what is called, "ten"! I quote the meaning of the memory: "Close the Duma until the end of the war, there is a revolution plant! Arrest Guccov, Ruzsky! " (The main conspirators who were seduced by front commander). And so on and so forth…

Most of all, she resembles Cassandra - an ancient Greek mythological propheted, whom no one believed, but the predictions of which have always come true. Nikolai Alexandrovich looked fundamentally.

The emperor dominated the inner conviction that he, designed by some special charisma, should be self-adjustable - edit. This was a considerable element of fatalism, which, in general, was largely a fatal role. This is a special conversation, how and why we have rooted exactly such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal power. But he was not close to the "repeater" by Alexandra Feodorovna and the "novice" Rasputin was not close.

As for Rasputin, it was also a special figure. Read the wonderful book "Grigory Rasputin-New" writer and rector of the Literary Institute Alexey Varlamov. This is a very solid study. Rasputin was a man, quite possible and ambiguous, but undoubtedly salted. The slander against it, distributed with enviable systemism and in a huge scale, was one of the most effective tools to loosen the state system, discrediting the power, the minimization of the prestige of the emperor and the empress.

Rasputin with royal family

Why did they take it in the royal family? We know about the abilities of this person to stop the heir's disease. But there were other factors forcing seriously thinking.

Here is his letter from 1914, written on the eve of the War Emperor. Listen:

"Cute friend, I will say again: a gross cloud over Russia, trouble, grief is much dark and there is no clearance. Tears are the sea - and no measures, and blood? What will I say? No words, indescribable horror. I know, everyone from you wants - and faithful, not knowing that the sake of death want. Trying God's punishment when the mind is taken away - here the beginning of the end. You are the king, the Father of the People, will not pass the insane chase and destroy themselves and the people. Here Germany is winning, and Russia? Think, so truly did not have more sufferers, all sinking in the blood of the Great, destruction without end, sadness. "

The autograph letter is located in Yale University. What is there to say? .. Rasputin is a mysterious figure in our history. We do not know everything about him, and maybe we will find out only in the court of God, that it was for a person. Do not evidence negative? There is. Do evidence completely different? Undoubtedly.

But back to the enlightened Russian society. Remember, Pushkin: "Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me, I myself am deceived!" Russian society willingly and, will be honest, with joyful gloating, a systematic, thought out to the details of the degree regarding the actions of the emperor, created the atmosphere of the total rejection of Nicholas II in the country. The emperor was forced to renounce, the "creative society" took power into their hands and represented by the temporary government enthusiastically adopted by him with an unprecedented accomplishment on Saint Rusi Durius thwarted the country, prepared ideal conditions for joining the most emerging and unprincipled extremists.

"It is necessary to be amazed, with some readiness and irresponsibility, with which the lack of patriotism and dignity, the Russian revolutionary intelligentsia provided Russia by Western European experimenters and executioners" (I. Ilyin).

Then we partly come back. After the Leninsky terror, after the massacre of the civil war, the Russian people began to come to themselves and with unprecedented enthusiasm to establish the only thing we can and are accustomed to creating state construction in the ways - the empire. We created her - red, Soviet.

Summing up the topic of the Russian enlightened society, I will give a person's words, who on the eve of February events warned the sovereign about the upcoming shocks. Great Prince Alexander Mikhailovich, the figure is ambiguous, but, undoubtedly, the personality of the insightful and wise, being already in Emigration in Paris, wrote:

Great Prince Alexander Mikhailovich

"The throne of Romanovs fell not under the pressure of the forerunner of the Councils or boom bombers, but carriers of aristocratic surnames, court titles, bankers, publishers, aristocrats, professors and other public figures living in generous empires. The king would have managed to satisfy the needs of Russian workers and peasants, the police would have coped with terrorists, but it was completely in vain labor to try to please numerous applicants to ministers, revolutionary recorded in the book of the most notable noble birth, opposition bureaucrats brought up in Russian universities.

How did it have necessary to go with those great Russian ladies, who were traveled from the house to the house for all day and distributed the most vile rumors about the king and the queen? How was it necessary to deal with those two offspring of the oldest kind of princes of the Dolgoruki, who joined the enemies of the monarchy? What had to be done with the rector of Moscow University, who turned it the oldest Russian higher educational institution in the revolutionar agent? What should be done with Count Witte, chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1905-1906, whose specialty was to supply newspaper reporters with scandalous stories, discrediting the royal family? What should be done with our newspapers, who met our failures on the Japanese front?

How did it have necessary to go with the members of the State Duma, who with joyful persons listened to the gossip of slanders who were swearing that there is a wireless telegraph between the royal village and the rate of Hindenburg? What should be done with those commanders who are brought by the king of the army, who were interested in the increase in antimonarchic aspirations in the rear of the army more than victory over the Germans at the front? A description of the counterfeit activities of the Russian aristocracy and the intelligentsia could be a fat volume that should be dedicated to the emigrants mourning a good old time on the streets of European cities. "

And our society again repeated his mistakes

But not only the society was guilty. Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich was a self-container, he was responsible for his people and for his country. We will honor him as a saint for his Christian life during imprisonment. We give tribute to his outstanding state talent, his striking patience, sacrificial love and devotion to their people, his faith. It was a truly amazing person and, perhaps, the most tragic of Russian sovereigns. But now, turning around for that period, we understand that we need such a historical analysis to hold, as we conventionally spoke, "work on errors." We started our conversation from Vasily Osipovich Kuevsky. Approaching the completion, remember another idea: "Why do people like to study their past, their story? Probably, because why a person, stumbling down from running out, loves, rising, look at the place of his fall. "

In February - March 1917, the emperor acted, it seems absolutely true - situationally, tactically. But what was missed by the royal government earlier? Where were the fundamental strategic mistakes that became fatal?

The emperor Nicholas II bestowed the society of freedom, created parliament, but at the same time could not create a mechanism controlling possible degradation. His governments could not overcome many and severe diseases associated with undoubted degradation of the aristocratic-noble monarchy.

The creation of a new viable state mechanism in the new conditions, in the conditions of parliamentary life was an unusually difficult task, and it was all the more difficult that all this was for the first time: Russia had no such experience.

Nikolay Alexandrovich won the victories at the fronts of war, undoubted victories in industrial and social construction, but suffered a crushing defeat in terms of consolidation of society, in building creative work with the most diverse elites, with the press, suffered a defeat in the field of ideological.

Nikolai II before renunciation. Fragment of the picture of the artist V.Alekseeva

To combine and develop a variety of more contradictory parts of society, to inspire them in a single task, in the end, to manage this society in the interests of the people and the state - this is not possible to make this royal government.

And our society again in 1991 repeated his mistakes. Again, the total "teenage negativism", again "to the base, and then ...", the collapse of the Great country, again poverty, humiliation, again the painful disasters of the people ... This is a newly manifestation of those of our inesemary chronic diseases. It is necessary to understand this, to give it a sober report and extract still lessons from the past.

In the ratio of agriculture of the Russian Empire, it is possible to "relyaze to use the word prosperity": "Peasants belonged more than 67% of the land treated in the European part of the country, and in the Urals - 100%." Russia was covered by a railway network, the life of society after 1905 was experiencing a real flourishing: "Periodic publications under Nicolae II were published more than in the USSR in 1988." The government was introduced to the State Duma a project on general primary education.

"As for the stereotype of Russia, as about the prison of the peoples, there was no no problem here, but these excesses went into the past. National outskirts were presented in the State Duma. In the principality of Finland, there was a parliament, women had the voting law. " "As for censorship, it was almost completely canceled after the events of the first Russian revolution. Even censorship introduced during the war was very relative. "

2. Alexander Födorovna was a "woman with a Russian soul", but did not have impact on the events.

"When the All-Russian Emergency Commission was created in March 1917, which sets his task to investigate the crimes of the royal regime, any significant influence of Alexandra Fedorovna or Rasputin on the events of state importance was not found. The letters of Alexandra Fedorovna were investigated to her husband: only in 17 she advised something to Nicholas II or transferred Rasputin advice. From these tips, not one was fulfilled.

I will express my personal opinion: Alexander Födorovna was a woman with a Russian soul, German punctuality and English upbringing. She wrote her husband: what are you doing - Arrest Guccov, dissolve the Duma, not the time now for liberal weak action. Then, after the war, it will be possible to restore everything, but now they destroy the country. "

3. The behavior of the Russian liberal intelligentsia, criticized the royal regime until the February Revolution, is difficult to explain.

"Why did these people demanded these people with such an energy and intransigence, wanted, wanted and did everything so that changes in Russia occur? Why was one of the winged expressions in such: "Let the Germans better, but not only Romanovs?" Why it was said that the Russian intelligent could be a simple worker, but not a general, and not an official of the royal government? Why was such irreconcilable? Why did this plot of aristocracy and industrialists have such success and such amazing support? Why, after renounce the throne, such delight reigned in Russia, they talked about "Kerensky on a white horse"? "

"Putin's confessor" - about the mass psychosis of the revolution
4. The Provisional Government and the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies quickly destroyed the country, and the Bolsheviks in the fall of 1917 "just picked up power."

"Order number 1 (prescribed the creation of elected committees from the lower ranks in all military units - approx. Ed.) Destroyed the whole discipline in the warring army. In adequate whether the people who took such a decision were? With the state, military, professional adequacy were problems.

The second decision is the dismissal of all governors and vice-governors. It was believed that free people would choose new ones. In this atmosphere, it collapsed that we now call the vertical authority. We now understand how important it is. Then most of the people have perceived the order with delight.

The next stage is to postpone from the state power "minions of the royal regime", gendarmes and policemen. The next is to free the prisoners, political prisoners, and among them were, as we know, and terrorists. In addition, another 100 thousand criminals were freed. "Chicks of Kerensky" - so they were called.

Commander of February - Milyukov, Gucci, Kerensky, Lviv - endlessly loved Russia. But, wanting good to the country, they handed it into the hands of a man who said: "And I, gentlemen, do not care about Russia," in the hands of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. "

5. The state of Russia to the February Revolution is similar to "adolescent complexes", "psychic epidemic" and "mass psychosis". The experience of our country is not united, but it is Russia - the champion in such states.

"This behavior is reminded. I do not bring quotes about the negativity of the Russian intelligentsia, which have already become a parable in the towns. No communication with government officials, the most advanced negative attitude towards the solutions of power. It seems that our progressive society remains then in adolescence, did not grow, did not overcome adolescent problems and complexes. "

"This question was studied by psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers - contemporaries of those events. The famous Russian physiologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev wrote that mental epidemics sometimes encompass a significant part of the population. "

"We can assume that in the process of revolutionary events, something similar to mass psychosis was seized by society." It is impossible to say that this kind of state happened only in our country. Although it is in Russia that mass psychoses occur "with frightening periodicity", starting with troubled time. "Professor of the Ukrainian Medical Academy, a psychiatrist Oleg Syropyatov talked about a mental epidemic in Ukraine in 2014. People do not understand the meaning of words. A person is covered by emotions and cannot go to the rational level. "

6. Mass psychosis may repeat

"We must understand that relapses of this appear, and are committed acts that become irreversible. Knowing this universal disease, it is necessary to seriously think about mental hygiene. "

"Our wonderful intellectual creative society latently carries such a certainty. This latent state is exacerbated from time to time. It is impossible not to take into account."

On the one hand, it seems to be a footwear of pure water, right?
On the other hand, so it was.

Do you know what is the main problem?
In incorrect formulation of the issue.

And Russia was not at all so good, as they are trying to submit some today.
The country was backward, with an archaic political and legal and social device.
Do not recognize this, it means to conflict with the facts.
And still suffer from shapporteatory.

But Nikolai II was not so insignificant, as revolutionaries believe.
Nobody managed to spend the country through two revolutionary periods.
European monks did not always manage to somehow cope with even one, the case ended in the faint.
And Nicholas II coped with the first revolutionary wave!

But the most important thing is that the revolution is not always good.

However, the case, of course, is not in social psychosis.
The fact is that neither science nor public figures still do not understand how to make life better.
And the people can not always, and wants to wait.

What is the sense in the idea that Russia in 1917 was covered with psychosis?
Knows Shevkunov, as Russia does not infect psychosis today?
Or, more precisely, do not fall into the revolutionary temptation, the reason for which some part of society will then announce psychosis?

Well, the drama of the Russian intelligentsia is well known.
West Western books, looked at Western life, and let's run with guns, like the Decembrists, bombs, like populists and revolutionary ideas, like everyone else.
And after that, Lenin comes to power, and says that the intelligentsia is not a brain of the nation, but ...
Well, you know!

Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art, Writer, Archimandrite glanced together with young teachers of the story of the Tavrid Forum on tragic events of a century ago

All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Tavrida" on July 29 visited archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art, Writer and one of the most famous clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church. Together with the forum participants, young history teachers - he turned to the events of almost a century ago - the revolution of 1917 and its reasons, and also spoke about the key tasks that stand today in front of the professional historical community.

"The key cause of the February 1917 revolution was the weakness of our monarchy. In addition, in the society of that time, the idea was incited in various forces that in all the troubles as in the internal policy, so in international relations one particular person is to blame and it is worth removing Nicholas II, how everything will immediately become good and fair, " Own speech before the participants of the forum Tavrida Father Tikhon.

According to him, in the tenth years of the XX century, the state apparatus faced the institutional crisis, which external factors were easier.

"Indeed, there was a number of flaws, many objective reasons with which the royal government could not cope. This "fertile" soil was afraid in the top of the authorities, the radicalization of the labor movement, the crisis of the church and the aggressive anti-government propaganda, which was actively conducted as supported from abroad, "the guest of the forum emphasized.

Remembering the key internal reasonswho led to the February events, Father Tikhon allocated two key situations. Firstly, strong discontent in the exhausted war of the society caused issues of the unfair distribution of the funds of the land - the main ones to supply the army by the Committee of All-Russian Zemsky and urban unions. Secondly, the exit from the war of the Russian Empire as a winner, according to Father Tikhon, did not sue England decisively.

"In the interests of England, there was a direct and direct weakening of Russia and even perhaps the revision of international treaties and unions of that time," the bishop noted.

Being at the Playground of the International Youth Forum, Archimandrite turned his gaze on the modern perception of the role of the historian and the history teacher.

"The tragic events of 1917 became a huge lesson for the whole country, for the whole of our people. On the eve of the central anniversary of the Russian Revolution, these topics will again find a response and will be discussed in society, we are sure to wait for the mass of the analogies, perhaps calls for the repetition of events of that time, not to avoid. That is why you, as professional historians, is unusually important to delve yourself and understand the real course of events that unfolded on the eve of February 1917 and later to proceed from this experience, to understand him and make everything on themselves that is not enough for this solar disease again Moved to the stage of aggravation, "said Tikhon's father.

Recall that the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Tavrida" started on July 1 in the Crimea. Participants of all 7 shifts of the site will be about 3,000 young people aged 18 to 30 years old - teachers of creative professions and young professionals of various creative trends from all over Russia. On July 25, the IV profile change "Young history teachers" started.

The forum is held on behalf of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The site organizers are the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and "Rospatriotcentre" with the curability of the President of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects.

Press service of the OP of the Russian Federation on the materials of the press service of the Tavrid Forum

Lecture of Bishop Egoryevsky Tikhon (Shevkunova) "February Revolution: What was it?" From the Multimedia Historical Park "Russia - My Story" of the city of Yekaterinburg, September 3, 2017

Dear friends, thank you very much for the fact that on the birthday of your historical park you are gathered here. The story, as we have already spoken at the beginning of this solemn day, before the opening of the historic park, is a special topic and special matter. Special Matter of Human Society, it is here that the maximum truth is necessary. It is here that it is necessary to refuse all the illusions, from any lies, even in salvation, as they say sometimes, no matter how much the corporate interests do not care for this, say, ideology, some friendship, the company. Too responsible.

We remembered at the opening of the word of our great historian Vasily Osipovich Kuevsky. He spoke, warning his compatriots, and future generations: History is not a good teacher, but a very strict overseas. I will add a bit: above generations. Strict warden will not ask you lessons, but will be hard to ask for ignorance by the failure of their lessons. Many of our compatriots collided with this. Almost all the peoples of the world collided with this, but today it is important for us how our compatriots came across with this ignorance and how painfully became a whole generation and subsequent generations, when people could not figure out in the truth, could not figure out what to do Right, and what actions will be destructive and for themselves, and for their descendants.

The theme of our conversation I chose one of the expositions, which is here in your new historical park, and which is especially important for us in time, is the events of the seventeenth year, the February revolution. The October Revolution, which was later, is only the most common consequence of what happened in February and on the eve of these events. In the broad sense of the word "on the eve" because the preparation of these events lasted for many years.

Imagine whether another event in our story was influenced by everyone without eliminating the Russian Empire? Probably the Great Patriotic War, but also, perhaps, not to such an extent - there were some deaf aules, deaf Siberian places. But the February revolution influenced everyone without exceptions of our ancestors. Influenced our grandfathers, fathers, mothers and on us.

Without the February Revolution, without the necessary, absolutely not comparable with anything, an unprecedented movement, which caused the February Revolution and its consequences, by and large would not be us. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - someone leaving those coupled, someone moved, someone was repressed, someone participated in repression, someone fled to emigration, someone went to the new one then, but after the twenties , education system. Someone did a career. Someone made a career, and then this quarry collapsed in the gulag. Someone was sitting off, realizing that horror came to our land. Someone, in spite of everything, creatively lived and acted, creating a really great country with grand achievements, the country that most of the young people, which I see in front of myself, do not know, but your parents were born in this country - in the Soviet Union .

We are not going to prevent history, this is all our story - from behind, as I see, it should be written: "Russia is my story." This is all our story, and the deeper and more honest, not deceiving ourselves, we will know this story, the more we learn ourselves. Now there is a special, modern, diagnosis - genetic. Watch genetic parameters of parents, grandfathers and determine what their descendant will hurt when this disease arises and what needs to be done to prevent this disease. While you are Yun, the diseases still do not seem something relevant, serious, dangerous. And what a man is older, the more understands: it is necessary to take care of his health, you have to take preventive measures to act, live, be capable.

Knowledge of our genetic diseases, knowledge of problems - public, social, national - is unusually important for every thought person. And on the example of the February events and the previous period, we will now try to figure out what tells us and what our relatively recent, centenary teaches us, history.

I want to immediately say that there is the main reason for all of our adversity, there is its main culprit - we ourselves. So that we do not build any illusions. If a person is healthy, his immunity is strong, it can resist the external influence of viruses, bacteria and so on. Whatever illness to him neither proceed, he will overcome everything. We know this in their personal experience. If our body is weakened, if we do not do as it is necessary to come in order to support our physical health, - immunity, protective properties The human body is falling, and any bacterium, any virus becomes the cause of grave illness or any other, and sometimes the cause of death.

When we talk about the multitude of the reasons associated with the crisis of 1917, we should never forget that these are only those viruses and bacteria that have blurred thanks to the favorable conditions of a reduced public, political, social, spiritual immunity, which we have painted. And there is such a spiritual law: never seek the culprits on the side, know - to blame, first of all, you. This is the basis of Orthodox asceticism. Maybe Million small reasonsBut it is, believe me, the reason is small. A healthy public organism is comprehended, analyzes and overcomes any problem.

But at the same time, it is impossible to close the eyes and on those social, public and intellectual infections, which are also manifested in our historical and public organism. And today we will definitely say. But, like doctors, the main task of prevention is to maintain healthy immunity, human health, and in public life.

We will not seem guilty, the more you will not appoint them. We will define factors based on our estimated judgments, but on sources - historical documents, quotes (also with sources). So that we understand that all quotes that I will pronounce today (in order not to stretch in time, I will not make numerous links), believe me, can be found in serious historical literature.

So what happened in 1917? According to the general common opinion, the Tsarist Russia seemed hopelessly backward, dark, poor country, whose peoples were inhibited by the mediocre and bloody monarchical regime. For example, in one of the modern textbooks of the 20th century, the history of Russia, textbooks intended for higher educational institutions say: "The life of the Tsarist Russia was characterized by poverty, retardation, a severe, self-adjusting, military ruin." Maybe it really was so? Recall the famous words that the apologists of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin are very often leading: "Stalin took Russia with His and left it with a nuclear bomb" (Winston Churchill). Here we turn back to sources. Churchill in 1917 was already in force, a very serious politician, and he spoke very much about the Russian revolution. Then he sympathetically belonged to Russia and Nicholas II. And he described Russia in the source, which we can document, completely different: an extraordinarily growing country, which opposed three empires (German, or German, Austria-Hungarian, Turkish), which was extremely strong, truly crushing blows World War II. The industry of imperial Russia turned out to be able to reoperate the army so that it was absolutely unprecedented at that time. We will come back to this. Where is the truth here? "Stalin accepted Russia with Dish, and left it with a nuclear bomb" ... if we get into the sources, we will see that such a phrase was really uttered, just said it did not Winston Churchill, but the English Marxist Isaac Daughter. We do not know anything about him. Maybe some historians know. Well, here is such an apologist of Marxism after Stalin's death, wanting to elevate his hero, said these words. But Winston Churchill had no relation to this. On the scales of history: Isaac Daughter and Winston Churchill. And we impose exactly such an opinion.

There was such a well-known economist and journalist Edmon Teri. He arrived in Russia in 1912 on behalf of French banks. What was the case there? We periodically took large loans in France for our industry, for military affairs. Everyone understood that the war was most likely not far off. So, he arrived on behalf of French banks to understand whether Russia can still give new loans to Russia, is it solvent? While I will not find the quotation, I will quote the memory. After examining the industry of Russia and in general the situation in it, he said that if the cases of European countries would go the same way as they went in this age until 1912, by 1950 Russia will dominate in Europe. For us, raised in the Soviet Union, this is a complete surprise - we were taught that we have a hopeless past: besides horror, backwardness and illiteracy, there is nothing to say about Russia. And suddenly it turns out that a serious and responsible French economist pronounces such a summary.

Another interesting example. In 1920, the newly named Ministry of Education, which was then called the People's Commissariat, decided to study, what is the degree of literacy in the Council of Europe - the newly of Soviet Russia. And the literate population was census in this most backward, illiterate, dark Russia. 1920 is the third year of the Civil War. We understand that most schools do not work, destruction, pay teachers - always huge problems, and so on. So, it turned out that adolescents from 12 to 16 years are 86% literate. How could this happen? It turns out that in 1908 he received in the Duma - was not yet adopted, but did the law on universal primary education. And in Russia, this project of universal primary education began to actively implement. And the result - 86% of adolescents were literate, passed the primary school or, in any case, someone studied in it.

Another example is absolutely amazing. What life was in tsarist Russia? Well, yes, hopeless, understandable, beggar, terrible. We had such a great actress - Apple. The young generation does not remember her, and the older generation knows well - it was the great actress of the Small Theater. She lived for a very long time, it seems to 97 years. So, in Khrushchev times, when a lot was talked about the construction of communism and so on, she met with pioneers, and the pioneers asked her the question: "Commune of Apple and that soon there will be a communism, how will they live, then what will happen then?" Apple was already a woman elderly, she had nothing to lose. Well, she was already, by age, such a rustic. And she said: "Well, kids, kids, how do you say, what will happen during communism? Well, probably, it will be almost as good as with the king. " Can you imagine what a shock caused in young pioneers? It is clear that not everything was smooth in Russia. We understand it. It is clear that this was not a country with dairy rivers and risms. But such signals are also important. It would be necessary to figure out.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, a convinced communist, crushing all the foundations of the old world ... But when he was already the first secretary, one day he could not support and said: "When I was a lockout at the rear, I lived better than when I was the second secretary of the Ukrainian Command Party. " Wow! And it is Khrushchev. And this is not a joke. This is not somewhere invenious. Here, please climb on the Internet, and you will see it. And where is the oppression of workers? It was, calm. But we should not have a cognitive dissonance. It was, but the situation changed, and we will understand how she changed.

Here is another (I specifically take outstanding Soviet leaders) was a really outstanding Soviet leader - Alexey Nikolayevich Kosygin. Maybe remember such a person. He was our, so let's say, the Prime Minister in Brezhnev times. So, he talked about his family, his father was the usual workers in St. Petersburg, then Petrograd. The large family. Now I will not lie, but or three, whether four children were in the family. Dad worked as a middle worker on St. Petersburg factory. Kosygin tells about his childhood simply, not hinting at nothing: we lived in a three-bedroom apartment, my mother did not work, every Sunday we went to the theater.

This is only enough to make yourself be for some studies: And what was Russia of the time of the most weak, non-scattered, insignificant, how are they scary, emperor Nicholas II? Let's turn to statistics, numbers, without any evaluation judgments. At first, let's talk about good, then let's talk about the bad thing there was. It was both of them, naturally.

The Russian Empire by 1913 was either the fourth, or (for some indicators) fifth in the world in the economy. We were ahead of the United States, England (or United Kingdom). What country was the biggest in the world in size? British Empire - India, Pakistan, Africa, Australia and so on. We understand what kind of country it was. Russia was the first country in the world in terms of industrial production growth. This is how China is now, so Russia at the time.

During the reign of Nicholas II, the population of Russia (let's start with this indicator) has grown by more than 50,000,000 people. Never in the entire history of Russia there were no such growth rates. What does it say about? This suggests that there were unusually favorable conditions. How did they appear? Were there difficulty? Of course, were. And what else! We will talk about them. But, sorry, the increase of 50,000,000. 2.5 and 2.7 million people per year with regression, which was after the revolutionary events of 1905, it is very interesting.

I will not list all the plants that were then created, I will only say that the main capital of high-tech engineering enterprises only from 1911 to 1914 doubled. Russian Empire: Coal mining increased five times, the smelting of cast iron is four times, five times. This is for the period of the reign of Nicholas II. You will see all this in our exposure and can look with sources (I just will not contact them now). Russia produced 12,000,000 tons of oil. For comparison: in the US - 10,000,000. The production of cotton fabrics has increased more than double. Russia has become the largest exporter of textile products. The number of jobs for 20 years has increased from two to five million. Here I have a long list of the largest plants on which our today's industry is based, they are reorganized and so on, I will not read them now, you can see there.

The list of discoveries of Russian science is impressive: periodic table - Mendeleev, incandescent lamp, electric welding, aircraft (in parallel with brothers Wright), radio, space skate, gas mask, automatic, parachute, seismograph, TV. Russian engineers created airplanes, ships, cars, tanks. For example, when in the midst of the world war of Russia had to place military orders in America, thousands of Russian engineers were sent there, for two years they created the United States military industry in fact from scratch.

Agriculture. Russia was in the first place in the world of grain production. Gross grain collection In the Russian Empire by 1913, the harvest of Argentina, the United States and Canada, combined, exceeded the harvest. Interesting was the country? Interesting. The yield was smaller - in general, 8 centners with hectares. For example, in the US, 10 centners with hectares. But we have another climatic zone. If in the south of the yields were high, then in the north they were negligible, and the country of the peasant, anyway, people were busy in agriculture.

The country was covered with Nikolai II network of railways. For his reign, their length doubled, while the pace of construction of railways was completely unprecedented. Here we compare: the world's largest trans-Siberian highway, the strategic road, was built at speed - this is in our forests, swamps, taiga and other - 500 kilometers per year. For comparison: Germans were built by order of Turks Istanbul Railway - Baghdad. We have 500 kilometers per year, they have 120 kilometers per year. The British built the Cairo-Cape Town road: 300 kilometers per year. Although she, in general, remained unfinished. In the USSR, the Baikal-Amur highway (BAM) is already known to us - 200 kilometers per year, construction with completely different technologies and, let's say, with completely different capabilities. A non-freezing port of Romanov-on-Murmann was built - the current Murmansk. It was commissioned in the tragic 1917.

The problems in the Russian Empire also existed. Now let's go back to the negative. Of course, something was difficult, and quite difficult. Russian workers received less than workers in Germany. Of course, less than in the United States of America. Less than in England and France. The United States was the highest salary. But the workers of St. Petersburg (and Petrograd revolutionary) received a relatively similar salary, and sometimes higher (let's say, on Putilovsky Plant) than at the German factories than in France's factories. Completely and quite comparable salary of Pope Alexey Nikolayevich Koshigina, who lived in his own three-bedroom apartment. Now I will look at the exact number and will tell you how many percent of the workers lived in their own housing, but it is somewhere about fifty. The rest lived in the removable. Once, another decade ago, workers lived in barracks. Indeed, it was difficult. But especially after the 1905 revolution, the social activity of the state and capital ensured, in general, a normal, good, decent life, primarily qualified workers, but also others too. It was in Moscow, and in Naro-Fominsk, it was in our textile regions. And kindergartens, and nursery, and hospital - all this was born exactly at the time.

National question. "Prison of Peoples" - remember. What is the prison of nations? Of course, there were excesses, there were difficult moments in the Caucasus, there were complications in Poland (the Kingdom of Polish then belonged to the Russian Empire), and Jewish pogroms were all. But it is necessary to understand what was, and that - gradually overcome. Here, for example, the Western Territory - Poland, Finland, Baltic States ... They have developed rapidly and were much richer than roasty Russia. There were parties whose representatives said that they wanted to free themselves from the royal government. But there were completely different who said: no need, we do not need, we are normal and here. As some of our republics once said: comfortably and good. In Finland, for example, was the voting law for women. It was also in New Zealand and Australia - there was no more in the world anywhere. In Finland, there was his own parliament. Poland was also largely self-governing part of the Russian Empire.

Crime was minimal. She was, but compared to what happened later, she was minimal. Over the 22 years of the board of Nicholas "Blood" - as the sovereign Nikolay Alexandrovich II is called - 4,500 death sentences were issued. It is as much as an average for half a year she was taken out during the Soviet Union, if we speak averaged. And here for 22 years: these are state criminals-terrorists, and terrorism then overwhelmed Russia. These are all numbers, it is not evaluation data.

Tsarist Russia was called a despotic, authoritarian state, but many forget that censorship was canceled in the Russian Empire completely in 1906. There were no censorship: Write what you want, say what you want, including in parliament. In Parliament, the Bolsheviks were served, who from the stands of Parliament said: "Our goal is to destroy the existing state system." Sews, Bolsheviks ... Mad amount of newspapers.

I repeat once again: it did not mean that there were no problems. I am talking now about that, in general, for someone shock information, but it is true.

The growth of the population, as I said, by 50,000,000 - from 125 to 170 million people. In 1906, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev calculated that with such growth rates of population in Russia by the end of the century, that is, by 2000, 600,000,000 people should live. Demographic result, including February events, - 147,000,000. Imagine what it is?

From 1897 - they are not talking about this in school (although I don't know, maybe in modern school and they say) - Russia, which was extremely backward in the field of health, has changed ... In 1897, the country is already Nicholas II. The most severe situation. We all read in Chekhov that such a Zemsky doctor was what the peasant life was, including the disease of the peasants. So, this year free medical care was introduced. And by 1917, Zemstvo Hospitals and Zemskoy Movement of the drug, hospital movement experienced such a rapid growth that 2/3 of the population to the seventeenth year were already provided with medical help - free. Only 7% of the population of Russia was treated in paid clinics, everyone else is in free, and medications in the Russian Empire were free for everyone.

What were the doctors? Selfless, unusually professional and educated. For this you do not need to be a historian of medicine. The standard of the Zemstvo doctor still remains perfect among the doctors - "he is competent as an old Zemsky doctor."

The level of medical services in such cities as Kiev, Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Moscow, did not differ anything, according to Western doctors, from the level of Paris, London and New York. This is what the Swiss doctor and Medicine researcher Friedrich Erisman: "The medical organization created by Russian Zemstvo was the greatest achievement of our era in the field of social medicine." It was in Tsarist Russia that each familiar ambulance station appeared, district doctors, hospital sheets, kindergartens, maternity hospitals, female consultations, dairy kitchens.

I will not talk about education now. In Russia, by 1913 there were 130,000 schools. And during the reign of Nicholas II, not even for the full Board - from 1896 to 1910 - in 15 years they were openly open schools, schools, institutions more than for the entire previous period of Russian history. And were emperors-enlighteners: Catherine, Elizabeth and Nikolay, Alexander I and Alexander II.

Megaprojects of the Russian Empire were largely implemented by the Bolsheviks already in the Soviet period. Everyone, probably, is known that the plan of Goello - electrification of the whole country - was conceived and embodied as a project in Tsarist Russia. Our famous priest and philosopher Father Paul Florensky also took part in this.

Five metro projects lay on the emperor's table. Turkestan-Siberian highway, irrigation canals in Central Asia and many of many other projects were conceived. Not to mention such projects like aviation, submarines, and so on.

It is worth paying attention to the finances of the Russian Empire. During the reign of Nicholas II, the state budget grew 5.5 times, the gold reserve - 4 times. The ruble was like euro or dollar, reliable world currency. In addition, he was gold, that is, it was possible to come, give a piece of paper and get a gold coin. The interest rate of the State Bank (now she, thank God, decreases, but still it is 10%) not exceeded 5%. This gave the possibility of the development of industry, loan, and so on. At the same time, the incomes of the treasury of the Russian Empire grew without any increase in taxes, that is, at the expense of those taxes that existed. And our taxes were, let's say, 4 times less than taxes in England.

Land question is also an extraordinarily important topic. We know, under what slogans a revolution in Petrograd was held, let's say. That will be right: not the Russian revolution, but a revolution in Petrograd. Everything happened in the capital. Everything happened with the participation of elites. I will not give examples now, so as not to occupy your time, but many contemporaries write that in the rest of the country, in fact, nothing special happened. Yes, it was hard. Yes, there was the First World War - as we call it now, the great war. Yes, there was a lot of problems, but they all were solved gradually. See, problems were. And with the peasants there were problems, and with workers. They actually were, but only the biased researchers may say that they were not solved. They were solved gradually and very and very dynamically, although these problems remained a lot. The salary was less than in the United States, the working day is not 8 hours, as workers demanded, and 11 and a half hours. By the way, in the United States there is still no eight-hour working day (this is so, for reference; well, there is no eight-hour working day there).

And then, during the war, when suddenly began to demand that the working day at military plants were reduced to 8 hours, we understand what it is. This means less weapons, less civil, rear products. This is a strange requirement during the war. In England and France, for example, such requirements immediately caused the most severe response of the state. In Western countries, all workers were mobilized in general and lived according to the laws of wartime. If a strike occurred there, and strikes in Petrograd and Tsarist Russia shook the whole country during the war, "African or Indian troops surrounded this plant and mercilessly shot. In 1916, in Dublin was an uprising - artillery bombed all Dublin without any problems, thousands of people were killed or shot: the laws of wartime. Dialogues were infinitely walked - here the royal government believed that it was necessary: \u200b\u200bDialogues with prof-unions - not with trade unions in 8 hours at wartime, in 11 hours, 20% increase salary and so on.

Let's go back to the issue of land. We know that in 1861, the peasants were released by Emperor Alexander II to freedom. He gave little, for which (including the imperfection, as the terrorists believed, this reform) were killed in 1881. Of course, the problem of landlord and peasant land tenure in Russia existed. But if we look at the numbers and compare with what was in other countries, we will see completely striking facts. What is: "Earth - Peasants"? And how much land was the peasants before the revolution? Say, by 1917? 68% of the land in the European part belonged to the peasants (were owned) - they or their communities. And from the Urals to Siberia - you know how many percent of the lands belonged to the peasants by 1917? 100! 100% of the lands belonged to the peasants from the Urals and on. But, let's say, such a beautiful democratic, beloved by our country, like the United Kingdom? How much do you think the land percent belonged to the peasants? Thus, the workers who are treated land? Zero. The whole land belonged to Land Lordam (or the owners), and the peasants took this land for rent. Nothing there did not belong to the peasants. This certificate is this.

We talked about the workers. Indeed, it was not easy for a worker, let's say, at the beginning of the 20th century. And the revolution of 1905 was, of course, not accidental. There were huge problems, but these revolutionary events, as they were not heavy, bloody and devastable for the country, gave a special incentive for social concerns and government, and owners. We have already talked about it, let's not return.

Freedom of speech, "prison of peoples" - we just talked about it. There are no censorship. After the revolution, 1905-1907, the enlightened public received parliament, and Russia de facto became a constitutional monarchy. Not in everything, but in many ways - yes. Such speeches that were heard from the Duma Tribune, no country can not allow themselves to afford. We will return to this.

What did the people from the bottom and from above, who have arranged the problems of all our country and subsequent generations? What, it was impossible to build a metro without a civil war, during which 15,000,000 people lay down and can be said, many of them were the best people? Millions of people in emigration. Gulag. Terrible economic destruction. What, without it it was impossible to build? Maybe it is impossible. Maybe we are. But not asking these questions, too, somehow does not work.

What did they all want? They wanted all the good. It should be understood that the people who were at the head of this revolution wanted good. And who was at the head of the February Revolution? Revolutionaries. Who makes the revolution? Revolutionaries do. Who is our chief revolutionary in the XX century? "Grandfather Lenin", we all remember well. "Grandfather Lenin" in 1917 was in a wonderful country, which is called Switzerland. He lived there for a long time, was in the emigration in the city of Zurich. So, two months before the events of February who turned the whole country that became a really terrible revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, January 9, 1917, spoke to the socialist youth of the city of Zurich and Swiss Socialist young people. He was asked a question: "Dear Vladimir Ilyich, and when will the World Revolution, including the revolution in Russia?" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin answered this (I quote on the collection of works by V.I. Lenin): "We, old men, do not live before that (this is two months before the revolution), but you, young, see the celebration of this revolution." A good revolutionary "Grandfather Lenin" did not realize in two months what would happen in that very country in which he was most interested in. It was a complete surprise. His wife Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya writes: As soon as we learned about the events in Petrograd, Volodya did not find a place, ran, talked to himself, built huge plans. Well, then our German partners equipped his money, corresponding to a special car and sent through Sweden to our expensive Fatherland. But this is another song and a completely different question. So, I did not know anything Vladimir Ilyich about the fact that the revolution is coming, although she prepared her, let's say honestly. He agreed to ensure that the situation in Russia is destabilized.

Another famous revolutionary (the Bolsheviks were not a very large organization then, but the esters are really powerful, presented in the State Duma: it was a popular organization, a powerful party), Viktor Chernov led the then by the movement of Serc. There were also terrorists, and legal esters, and so on. So he writes that at the time, before February, there were no prerequisites for the revolution, all the figures of the revolutionary movement from the Socialists were either in prison, or in exile or in distant emigration. What is this revolution without revolutionaries? Is it possible?

There was such a wonderful person, clever - President American Roosevelt, who shared some revelation. Shared some kind of special experience, the conclusion to which he came over for the long years of his political life. He said the thing that we all should be remembered to adequately analyze the social processes that occur today. He said very significant words: "In politics, nothing happens by chance. If something happened, it was so conceived. " If something happened in politics, it was so conceived.

Undoubtedly, revolutionaries were. There were people who later tried to get angry from this title - "February Revolutionary", "Creator February". Others tried to be in the shade. But such people were. We list them by name. They are no secret to anyone, especially for historians. This is the head of the State Duma - Rodzianko. These are many deputies of the State Duma. These are Russian industrialists: Prince Lviv, Guccov Alexander - the richest man in Russia. This is the elite of Russia. These are great princes, the closest relatives of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanova, the sovereign of the passionerppet. This is our domestic, Russian and Russian intelligentsia - society. This is the press. These are people who do not belong to the citizenship of the Russian Empire, but we will tell you about too.

But here are our compatriots who have created a revolution (not proletaria, not beggar peasants, not exploited classes, but the richest and most influential people in the country) - what did they want? What did they need? In this difficult, difficult, but successful country, they were people who stood from many copors. They all wanted good for Russia, they all endlessly loved the country. True, they loved themselves. Recently, in our Sretensky Monastery there was a special conference, and we invited our colleagues with which the historic park was made, are the most famous historians, leaders of Russian archives. Many of them do not stand in those positions from which I am now talking to you on this topic. Some say everything was spontaneously. We posted before them all the facts and said: "And what did Guffling wanted when he brewed all this intrigue, which we will talk about now? All this porridge, all this plot? What did General Alekseev wanted, a man truncated by the endless confidence of the emperor? And other generals, also very loved Russia, who betrayed Nicholas II for the sake of the good of Russia and also became conspirators? " And here is one of our oldest historians with whom we often discuss (we are opponents with him), sighed and said something about the same as we: "Yes, they wanted everyone. Charge. " And it was very precious to me: here we finally agreed in opinion.

Friends, not boring? I'm burning here a nightingale ... I wonder? Because only a third of the paths passed. Now I will tire you, I'm afraid ... so, they really loved the country. They really wanted good. And so, wanting good to the country, from the heart, probably, or from most of his heart, let's say so (they also wanted his own), they eventually handed over in October in October (from love to Russia), which is accurate and Clearly defined its attitude towards Russia: "And to Russia, the Lord are good, I do not care" (Quote, V. I. Lenin in a conversation with Georgy Solomon). From love to Russia, they handed their favorite country in the hands of this great, truly outstanding terrible person.

"Good intentions are expensive to hell in the hell." This saying to the Russian people, and not only Russian, as anywhere and more than ever, became relevant during this period - 100 years ago. Speaking about the causes of February events, the February coup, speaking of his drive belts and its lessons, we naturally cannot but mention World War II.

World War II - the first giant worry of mankind. Millions of dead people. It was a shock for the whole world, first of all, European, but also referred to both the United States and all European civilization. For the first time such a number of deaths. After all, they thought: now we will wake, as always, monthly or two, then we'll figure it out that - Germany, what is the British ... And year after year, a million a million deaths ... Horror! We cannot even imagine what psychological importance was the world war for the whole world, as she turned the whole world.

We will not talk about the reasons for the war: everyone wanted his own. I must say: despite the fact that both Russia wanted her (we were not white and fluffy, by no means), yet, to honor Nikolai Alexandrovich, he did everything so that this war was not. It is he who is the initiator of the creation of the Hague Tribunal, the Hague court, the League of Nations in the subsequent. And he did everything to negotiate with his relative Wilhelm, so much to prevent war. Read its telegrams. He really showed himself courageously, but entered into war. We are told: "Why did he enter the war? No need to join. " Wait. Germany declared the war of Russia. Then it was the most powerful, without exaggeration, the car in the world. The most powerful. Together with Austria-Hungary, she fought against the whole world for several years - just like Germany after the defeat, after the Versailles in 1918, fascist Germany fought against the world, including the Soviet Union, America, England, France, all our satellites, with 1939 to 1945. Here is a country which is powerful! It is impossible to imagine it. And I never won. Then it was about the same. Such a country declares war on us and invades the limits of the Russian Empire. Question to these clever people who say that it was not necessary to fight: what was he to do? Everything that can not be war, he did, and then it was necessary to defend himself.

And Russia suffered crushing blows from Germany. We left in the kingdom of Polish, and in our west, and in the Baltic States many land. The best sons of the Fatherland then fought. The guard threw, these are elite troops. Could not do anything. The Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich was Commander-in-Chief, and when the war was already really approaching the original Russian Western borders (no longer Finland, not Poland, and has already aristed about the delivery of Kiev), what then happens? Nicholas II himself becomes commander-in-chief.

I heard a lot, including from historians: "This was a mistake. No need to do it. What is he there commander-in-chief ... ". And let's look at the numbers. 1914-1915 - continuous retreats, crushing lesions. A month after Nikolay Alexandrovich becomes the commander-in-chief (and he has been, just in case, there was a military education), he did not give the plays of Russian Earth: 1915-1917.

Russia is the same as all other countries, in addition to Germany, entered the war, in general, unprepared. We had a shell hunger, weapons hunger. Although - and this is again a return to what was represented by the Russian Empire, - by the beginning of the war, for example, Russia had 263 aircraft, and in Germany there were less - 232, in England less - 258, in France less - 156. And We have 263 planes, it is very much. And by the end of the war, Nikolai Alexandrovich organized such a military industry that did not even dream of our Western allies. And by 1917, we already had 1500 airplanes. Imagine what it is: during the war to rebuild the whole industry? He builds the Kovrov military plant. He lays out future zil by this time.

Russia suffered many defeats in the First World War and brought many victims, but let's compare two wars: the second world and first. Of course, in general, it is not entirely correct, but they are more or less comparable. In Russia, 39% of combat-ready men were mobilized, in Germany - 81%, in France - 79%. In Russia, there were 11 dead per 100 mobilized, in Germany - 15, in France - 17, in England - 13. Killed and wounded in Russia were 60 times less than during the Great Patriotic War.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich, as they say, was a mediocre commander. And what was the heroic defense of Moscow? And what, the Germans took Kiev, Kharkov, Smolensk? And what was the blockade of Petrograd (or St. Petersburg)? There was no choice. This talentless, as they say, the commander, even closely did not allow it. Although fought with three empires and, once again, repeat, with some small satellites, I will not even talk about Bulgaria. As one of the historians of our army said, Peter I rearmed the Russian army for 20 years. The emperor Nicholas for this took 2 years. The re-equipment of Russia was so crushing for our enemies, that even the leaders of the German army were recognized: while the potential, which was accumulated in Russia, the chances of Germany for winning the war remains.

The emperor himself planned many offensive. This is the famous Lutsk breakthrough, which is sometimes called Brusilovsky (by the name of that General who was supported by, by the way, the only one of the General Staff Nikolai II, the rest were against). This breakthrough almost destroyed the Austro-Hungarian army. It was with him. And in the east, there were also an offensive. In addition to military victories, a striking diplomatic victory was obsessed: an agreement was concluded, which entered the story called the Sayx Contract - Pico (these are two diplomas who developed this agreement). Under this contract, as a result of the First World War, after the victory - and we will return to victory now - Russia received Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the whole Northern Turkey. Collective, common with the British, control over Palestine - Holy Earth and this enormous reparation from the aggressor - Germany. By the way, the winner of the Winners in the First World War (in which Russia was not included, she turned out to be a loser in the First World War) France, England, the United States of America ceased to receive the latest payment of Germany for the first world war in 2010.

Russia was not among the winners. And the victory was not far off. It was real. No matter how they say (and often say): "Oh, yes no, it still has a pitch on the water! Russia was weak! " Here is a testimony of Denikin: "I am not inclined to idealize our army, but when the Pharisees, leaders of the Russian revolutionary democracy, trying to justify the army collapsed mainly by their hands, assure that she has already been close to decomposition, they are lying. ... The old Russian army concluded enough forces to continue the war and win. "

Yes, there were difficulties and transport, especially in the winter of the seventeenth year: snowy winter, drifts, but these were solid problems, not catastrophic. By the way, the weapons of Nikolai Alexandrovich prepared so much that he was enough for the whole civil war. How do we think, despite the fact that there was paralysis of the entire economy in the country in 1918-1921, what did the red and white fought? What was harvested by the royal government. Machine-gun plant in the carpet, the largest in the world: "Maxima", weapons, shells, and so on.

Everything was prepared for victory. It was even sewn - many of you probably know - a special form for the Victory Parade in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople. Similar to the ancient helmets of Russian Vityaze, special hats, which later began to be called "Budenovo". They took them from the warehouses, cut off the double-headed eagles and hung the red stars. They were sewn along with leather for aviators, in which then the Commissioners went for the parade of Victory in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople. But all this was not destined to come true. This is how it describes what happened, our great poet Maximilian Voloshin:

Yet! Yet! And everything seemed


Then a new cry was heard:

"Down with

War tribes, and army,

and fronts:

Long live

civil War!".

And the army, mixing the ranks,


With enemies kissed

and then

Rushed on their own, cut,


Shifted, hung,


Scalpped scalps, cut


Fed churches, burly

palaces, exploded

Ways, bridges, plants,


Destroyed warehouses

and stocks,

Broke plows, hijacked cattle,

Missed bread, devastated

sat down

Food is humane


They were argued ...

This is how it describes these truly terrible, insane events Maximilian Voloshin. A person can go crazy, we know all this regrettable fact, but society can be dispersed. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his ingenious novel "Crime and Punishment", describing the Skolnikov's sleep, the prophetically wrote: "Skolkolnikov saw a dream that they went down to people, captured their consciousness some strange trikins, and people became like insane, they rushed Most friend, tormented, killed, without understanding why (I retell in my own words). They organized some communities, then these communities began to host each other to the blood, until complete destruction. The winners rushed again on others. " Here these prophetic descriptions of the events of the seventeenth and subsequent years are present in the prophecies of our great amazing writer and our great saints that warned long before these terrible events of their compatriots.

This is what the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky writes, who died in 1833: "A hundred years after my death, the Russian land will be taken by the rivers of blood, but the Lord will not fully disintegrate, and will not take it to collapse, will save another Orthodoxy and the remnants of the piety of Christian." "We are on the way to the revolution," Poophan Poofan writes (died in 1894). - These are not empty words, but the case approved by the voice of the Church. " "The Russian kingdom hesitates, staggers and close to the fall," wrote at the beginning of the 20th century in 1908 the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt ... "The state retreated from the Church will die how Byzantium died. The people who departed from the height of Orthodoxy will be given to slavery with the wicked, as it happened with the same Byzantine kingdom. The sky ascended for his Orthodoxy Rus to hell is underway. " You can multiply these quotes.

When they talk about loyalty to Orthodoxy, they say not about loyalty to rites or some religion. About religion is not coming at all. We are talking about a true understanding of the essence of things that gives, from our Orthodox point of view, only a personal connection with God. When the people lose this personal relationship, he is left by God. He does not want to truly look for God, not deceiving himself, - in the end he is left by God, and what happened. It would seem, the Orthodox country ...

In fact, no Orthodox country was not then. Externally, in many respects, yes, but most of the people already have this sincere spiritual connection simply completely lost: that the seminary, that the bishops, who delighted the February Revolution with the delight, at all with the entire intelligentsia, absolutely not understanding what would happen next. But this is the topic of a special conversation.

Events developed rapidly. I'll tell you about them only briefly. Russia on the eve of Victory is the only country of warring, where food cards are not introduced. In Germany and Austria-Hungary more than a million people died from hunger. Imagine what it is - War? By the eighteenth year, more than a million people died from hunger in Germany and Austria-Hungary. In France, England Food Cards. Read the remark, Hemingway. "On the Western Front without Change": how they were looking for certain products for their girlfriends, something else ... In Russia, an alone card was introduced - on sugar. Why? Moonshine chased, so Introduced food cards.

The rest of the products were sold without any problems. In Austro-Hungary and Germany, an adult German in the rear received 220 grams of bread per day - it is less than in a blockade Leningrad. And in Russia for the seventeenth year, the problems with food began. This is how the Kommersant newspaper for February 7, 1917 describes food problems in Petrograd: "Lemons on the market is not at all. In extremely limited quantities there is an ice cream lemon in the market, and the prices for 330 pieces are 65 rubles. No pineapples. " Here with this problem, including the city of Petersburg.

But there was a problem and more serious. For a short time, the state could not provide the right browtening of bread. Bread in the city was full. But since the snowy congestion on the railway began, rumors went that hunger would come soon. And the hostess rushed to buy bread. In general, then rumors - it was a special thing. Even our wonderful historian Solonevich said: "Rumors thorough Russia." Now we will understand why. Rumors believed 100%: "Everything, bread no longer will, die from hunger." The hostesses are built into long tails, as they were then called, queues, and buy as much bread as possible. Bread does not bring. In some bakery already problems. Then General Habalov, the head of the Petrograd garrison, throws bread from stocks. The bread turns out again in bakery, but panic is sown, it's too late. And March 8, International Women's Day (February 23, on the old style), women go to the streets organized, with children. And we remember the words of Roosevelt: "In politics, nothing happens by chance. If something happened, it was conceived. " Give women and children to the streets, and they begin to loud full bread shops with screams: "Bread! Of bread!" Madness.

And immediately there are strange things. Putilovsky plant (the most secured military orders, the elite of the working class, the highest wage) is a small conflict with the administration, they ask for a salary, the administration begins to negotiate with them ... And suddenly, as by order, dismisses all Petrograd workers (just in case : This is a military enterprise, wartime), and 36,000 people, healthy men, turn out to be without work on the street and without armor. They are taken to the army, now they will be lucky to the front.

Following them, almost all Military plants Petrograd are played - imagine that this should be done: military factories in wartime. Full. By the way, many historians call the February revolution with the revolution of the filled. Well, there were really problems with hunger. There were any interruptions and so on, but those who will live a little more than in 20 years in the blockade Leningrad, and already in the eighteenth year, when the temporary government introduces the cards and the real hunger comes, these whims of the winter seventeenth year will seem just ridiculous . Be that as it may, soon hundreds of thousands of workers go to the demonstrations. Who was interested in this?

Here writes Trotsky, for example: "February 23 was an international women's day. He was assumed to note in social democratic circles in general, meetings, speeches, leaflets. On the eve I never occurred to anyone that the Women's Day could be the first day of revolution. None of the organizations called for strikes. " Trotsky, "Memories". But the number of demonstrators already exceeds 300,000 people. And no one organizes. Is it so? "If something happens in politics, then it does not happen by chance. So it was conceived. "

French resident - We will now refer to his reports to Paris, to French intelligence - describes (this is a quote), as people who were in the service in English intelligence, distributed money to the workers who went out on the demonstrations, paid for them to come out to work. And such examples can be given quite a lot. Here is one woman, Tatyana Botkin, the contemporary of these events, writes: "Workers bastardized, walked around the streets, broke trams, lampposts, killed the city - and killed brutally, and, no matter how strikingly, women were cracked with these ministers of order. The reasons for these riots were not clear to anyone. Caught strikers diligently asked why they began all this alteration. There was an answer: "And we do not know. We were puzzled and they say: Bay trams and cities. Well, we beat "." And such evidence set.

A petrograd garrison joined the strikers, which was housed in the city and was not military who had already worn, but recruits. Moreover, many of them were sailors - this is the most revolutionary part of the army. Sailors and soldiers. Basically, of course, these were soldiers who absolutely did not want to fight and were already upgraded by both the Bolsheviks and Esrami, and the other forces engaged in this propaganda. And finally, the Unter-Officer of Bricks The first shot his officer in his back - and the soldier's rebellion began.

I tell briefly. Nikolay Alexandrovich, having learned about what happened in St. Petersburg, he commands hard to stop the riot, it was his duty as a king. General Habalov does not succeed in this, then Nikolay Alexandrovich himself leaves the bet in Mogilev, but at this time the conspirators (and these deputies of the State Duma, the Army Supreme General General) do everything to force their king, which they gave oath, to renounce the throne. For what? What was the goal? Replace Nikolay Alexandrovich on another, more convocating, submissive of their will of a person - the head of the state. Let's say on the heir to Tsarevich Alexy with the regency of Brother Nicholas II - Mikhail.

Mikhail was a brave man, he became the last Russian emperor, in favor of which Nicholas II was renounced. Mikhail personally led the "Wild Division" - a courageous man. But he was no politician, and his volitional qualities were also very and very dubious, except for the qualities of the army. This was just calculated on it.

They did everything. The army represented by his highest military leaders (General Alekseeva, the head of the General Staff, Commander Fronts) was intrigue, which we still say now. This intrigue was brewed by General Alekseev, the head of the General Staff, with the help of those people who were sent, in particular, Alexander Guccov, rich man Russia, Rodzianko. They made such a telegram to the commander of the fronts, which presented the situation with absolutely hopeless, and the output outlined only one - the renunciation of Emperor Nicholas II.

And here is the army, in the loyalty to which Nikolai was sacred, which he led to the victory, which he raised from a terrible decline (and the weapon, and shell, from the decline of the retreat transferred to this offensive), these generals, whom he made himself for 21 years of his reign From major, lieutenant colonels, Colonels, making them military leaders, "they all sent him telegrams:" Begower, Your Majesty, renounce, because only if you reincarnate, the civil war will not begin. You are a stumbling block. Because of you, all this is terrible ... ". And he pressed against the wall, blackmailing the danger of the civil war, seeing the requirements of the State Duma, his relatives, first of all, the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich - Senior in the House of Romanov, General. Finally, on March 2, there was a renunciation, and on March 1, all allies - England, France and our future ally The United States of America recognized the temporary government. With a live emperor, who did not repel again, - on March 1, a temporary government was recognized by the legal representative of the Russian Empire.

Seeing this, he understands: or he has resistance - and the civil war begins and the front falls apart, or he moves away and says: Well, if everything is against me, then let's act, I will not interfere with you. And he comes in this way. We do not judge him. This is an extraordinary person. Slander and lies when they are talking about how a man is weak. He had mistakes, terrible mistakes, we still say about them, but as he acted in February - March 1917, so he had to act, as nor analyzed.

What happened then? On March 2, the Provisional Government, having received the renunciation of Nicholas II, took power into his hands. What was the delight of Petrograd, all progressive thinking Russia! Now I read you only some statements. One of the poets wrote:

Then the blissful entrance

In death

joyful sleep

I remember - Russia, freedom,

Kerensky on a white horse.

No lag behind, unfortunately, and our church. Wonderful hierarch, which was paid by references, prisons, premature death, Archbishop of Arseny (Stadnitsky) wrote: "Finally, the church is free, what happiness!" It is difficult to list, and for a long time, and hurt, enthusiasm of all those people who are very fast, after a few months, will understand how they were wrong, what they did. But nothing can be done. Remember, there is such a song - it would seem frivolous, and in fact very deep. We had such a wonderful poet Leonid Derbenev; The song "This world is not invented not by us" - a light same song, but what are deep words there:

And the world is arranged so

That everything is possible in it,

But after fix

it is impossible.

That's what happened. They have done, and then you can not do anything. This is exactly what happened to Russia. The delights were unrestrained. And the temporary government that the entire Russian intelligentsia dreamed of, all the progressive society, which, in fact, demanded from Nicholas II? "Create a normal government. Here we have the best people in Russia - the then opposition. We see them: Huchkov, Lviv, Kerensky. Put them, and they will save Russia, they will bring forward the country. " And finally, these best people supported by the best, the world's most free thought, began to lead the country.

On March 5, a new temporary government, these "geniuses" of the Office, have abolished the entire Russian administration - governors, vice-governors. This is during the war. Imagine? "We will not appoint anyone, in the ground will choose," said the head of the government Prince Lviv (this is the first chapter, and then Kerensky became). "Such questions should not be solved from the center, and the population itself. The future belongs to the people who have been their genius in these real days. What great happiness is to live these days! " Then they said: "The minions of the royal regime - gendarmerie, police: destroy them!" The police and gendarmes were abolished, the entire vertical of power was ruined, but all the power in the field. The madness of the elections began, began to put forward alone, other, third, fifths, tenths. Everything falls apart. The economy got up.

By June, Russia economically really collapsed. I'm not saying - by October and what's next. Everything rushed. The country has become unmanageable. Released all criminals. They released all terrorists who were sitting. Pulled out from abroad in sealing and uncomclosed cars of all terrorists who were sent, and they began to take power according to the full program.

And what "brilliant" solutions were adopted in the army? So-called Order No. 1, which is supported and issued by advice? Remember? Delianity. Then the temporary government was also supported, and even developed: to cancel subordination in the army - now they must manage not the officers formed, personnel, but should lead the advice of soldiers' deputies. The whole discipline in the army collapsed. He collapsed the front - the victory, tragic, heavy, but necessary for the country of Victory, which was about in front of his eyes, simply did not. The Germans began to step up with terrible force - they realized that they had achieved their own: the army collapsed, there were no disciplines, they began to shoot officers. A huge amount has shot on the fleet marine officers and admirals.

What happened? Already long before the February events decided that Nikolai Alexandrovich should be changed - too dismanting. This decision was made by our Western partners, and the German General Staff, who tried to find ways to the Separate World between Germany and Russia. War went too far, but Nikolay Alexandrovich was unshakable, no matter how slandered him. The Germans through the odious figure as Parvus, which was the first patron saint of our Bolsheviks at the time, began to lead anti-state propaganda in the Russian Empire. It is clear that they needed: decompose Russia from the inside. This, not embarrassed, in the open, as the main goal of the general headquarters of the second Reich said: Russia is invincible in the external war, the only way to destroy it from the inside, and then we will do everything, then we will win it. They turned out to be absolutely right. Clausevitz von, who was the author of this idea, a turning man, spoke absolutely correct.

But even harder it was with our allies. We remember: in 1944-1945, when the offensive of Soviet troops begins on Western already the front, that only our allies did to push us from German territory so that we capture us as little as possible in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe and so on. There was the same situation, the British understood perfectly: now Russia will take a dominant position. Imagine, 15,000,000 Russian troops will be in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople - it was a terrible dream for everyone - both for the Germans, and for our partners and allies.

This is what a man wrote, whom we all know very well, one of the most beloved British in Russia, in the twentieth year, a little later, Conan Doyle in his journalistic article in Daily Telegraph: "Even if Russia won and remained the empire, unless Would she not be for us (in the absence of a German counterweight) the source of a new terrible threat? " The commander-in-chief of the German army, General Ludendorf, wrote: "The king was overthrown by the revolution, which the Entente supported." Comparatively shortly before that, the English prime minister Lord Palmerston said: "How hard to live in the world, when no one is fighting with Russia." Well, there is no more frankly anything ... The head and genius of the military German doctrine, the head of the General German Staff von Clausevitz wrote: Russia "can only be defeated by its own weakness and the action of inlandware." So, it was that the activities of German intelligence and intelligence activities of British. They thought with horror that our troops will be in Vienna, Berlin and Constantinople, - and then the problems will be enormous.

And they began to encourage those whom, actually, not particularly and encouraged those ambitious representatives of the Russian elite, which were convinced that they were much better than Nikolai Alexandrovich, will steer the country, manage the Great Russian Empire. They became the leaders of the Provisional Government. They collapsed the country for several months. It turned out that to manage Russia is a very difficult task. And even the great populists, such as Kerensky, Huchkov, Rodzianko, all stood at the head of the country and were absolutely unable. That is why Emperor Nicholas II did not even walked on a dialogue with society when he was told that he would put the leaders of these people, the future of February Ministers. He knew perfectly what they were standing, knew them as irradiated: and the counterintelligence came to him, and personally he knew them perfectly that they were not capable of anything. Namely, they were referred to the managers.

What was hoping by Nikolai Aleksandrovich? He hoped for the army, he was convinced that, no matter how the Duma was sulking, no matter how intriguing his closest aristocratic relatives, no matter how opposes the Russian intelligentsia, the army will not lead it. He spoke to his loved ones: "That's reached Berlin: September, October, November - the latest. We will return with the victory and then give the constitution ... ". Considered, by the way, the legal constitutional monarchy. He wanted to do this from the standpoint of force, realizing that then he as an experienced statesman would deploy a new government - and that's it. It is impossible to change anything during the war - this is an axiom of any political activity during the war.

But the generals led him, they betrayed. For some, it was important that it was them - General Alekseev, General Ruzsky, General Evert, Sakharov, Brusilov, who was offended by the emperor, were entered the winners in Berlin, Vienna and Constantinople.

By the way, two words about Constantinople. Sometimes it represents that our dreams about Constantinople are some great-core idiocy. Nothing like this. Remember, quite recently, relative to 1917, there was a civil war and we were locked in the Black Sea. And this is safety, and trading paths, and so on. The second time we could not afford. And what Dostoevsky spoke: "That is not Russian, who does not dream of Constantinople," is absolutely secondary. The main thing was the military and economic security of the country. The main policy, for Emperor Nicholas II, were purely pragmatic tasks. Therefore, it was the Agreement of the Sayx - Pico, on the one hand, the victory of Nikolai Alexandrovich, and on the other hand, the signature under this contract was and signing under the sentence to him ... And we understand that the British, Americans, French, Turks, Russians, their political interests . We were played once again with our own help.

These generals who wrote terrible telegrams to the emperor, then scared rushed. Alekseev wrote: "I will never forgive myself that I believed that the renunciation of the Emperor Nikolai II would entail the benefit of Russia." General Evert rided when he learned about the death of Nicholas II, and spoke to his wife (in her notes it was described): "No matter what they say, and we are traitors, traitors are oath, and we are to blame for all this." All these generals - we do not judge them, they already paid out because of this. Alexeyev with late repentance organized a white movement and prematurely died in Ekaterinodar from lung inflammation. General of Ruza, cruel man, severely degraded Nikolai II in the clock of renunciation, a self-dressing person, the Bolsheviks stabbed as hostage in Pyatigorsk. General Evert, about which we have now spoke, in 1918 shot a red convoy in Mozhaisk. General Sakharov, who wrote a sovereign: "On the knees I feel renounced" and so on, - shot by anarchists in the Crimea in 1920. General Brusilov (the famous Brusilovian breakthrough, which was idealized and in Soviet times) also signed this letter, went to the service in the Red Army, lived to 72 years in the service at the Bolsheviks, but internally Tail to them completely loddy hatred, which was posthumously revealed in his secret Memoirs. He was hated by all the white movement and emigration for serving the Bolsheviks. Lion Trotsky is gloating, but unfortunately, rightly later wrote: "There was no one among the command staff, who would have come for their king. All in a hurried to transfer to the ship of the revolution in solid calculation to find cozy cabins there. The generals and admirals removed the royal monograms and put on red bows. Everyone was saved as he could. "

The influence of Western partners and allies was huge. You can list a lot of quotes in which it is described about how, first of all, the English ambassador George Bucken involved the Russian aristocracy to a conspiracy against his own emperor. The task was alone - change Nikolai Alexandrovich, put someone a statement or some other government. Many months did not think about changing the monarchy. There were forces from America, which turned on later, at the very end of February events. And first they spoke like this: I will change Nicholas, we will put someone more convocating, everything will be fine. And the British, and the French also set this task.

Lenin in 1917 writes: "The whole course of the events of the February-March revolution shows it clear that the English and French embassies, with their agents and" connections ", ... directly sought to displacing Nikolai Romanov." It was at this time that Milyukov, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the first temporary government of Lviv, frankly testified: "You know that a firm decision to take advantage of the war for the production of coup was undertaken by us shortly after the start of this war. Note that we could not know more, because they knew that at the end of April or beginning of May, our army was supposed to go to the offensive, as a result of which all sorts of hints at discontent would immediately be found in the root and what would cause patriotism and babysitization in the country " The frank words, spoken by him in the letter of Joseph Revenko in January 1918.

Yes, there were English interests, there were French interests, there were also German interests, there were our elites who were striving for complete power, to change the emperor, but, first of all, the engine of the whole of this revolution, all this lawlessness, which wrapped on us , It was generally Russian society.

There was one person, a contemporary of those events that the best of all, from my point of view, figured out what happened then. It was the ambassador of the French Republic in Petrobe Maurice Paleolog. That's what he said about us, and that all of us for all times it is very important to understand and remember. Here is its conclusion about the Russian people: "No people can give in so easily influence and suggestion as the people Russian." I repeat again: "No people are amenable to so easily influence and suggestion as the people Russian." Other peoples also, we know, anything happens in history, but we are interested in our own. This is the influence and suggestion that was systematically applied to the Russian society, the action was raised.

Russia at the beginning of the reign of Nikolai Alexandrovich, in 1894, was a developing country with a huge number of problems, the main of which was a contradiction between the authorities and society: the government could not find a common language with society, and society categorically did not want to find this common language. This behavior characterizes the period of human development, what now modern tongue Tinagers are called - negativism, opposition, teenage period: "So I don't want any authorities, I don't want any power, so I want to lose the power of my parents." This is a teenage consciousness in our great Russian intelligentsia - the disease is inecilical so far, and it must be understood.

In no country in the world there was such a layer of the educated society, which would so be fundamentally, constantly resisted to any action of his state in the person of the state authorities. This teenage complex is one of the most important problems of Russian life. One of the then slogans during the First World War: "Let the Germans win, just not Romanov!" Imagine what it is? Actually, what did Romanov made them special? This is later they will mourn in Paris, in Belgradah, in Birchki grab, tears pour, and then ...

One example. I have a very close friend - Zurab Mikhailovich Chavchavadze, Prince Chavchavadze, from the Russian Elite family, Russian in a wide, correct sense of the word - Denikin said: "That Russian who loves Russia." So, his mother, which in 1917 it was about seventeen years old, says that they lived in the royal village, Russian aristocracy, the Kazze-Beck family - Chavchavadze, oriental Russian nobles. One neighbor came to tea, too, an aristocrat from a large Society. And during the conversation of her mother (Maria Lvivna Chavchavadze, the parents of Zurab, then the seventeen-year-old girls) suddenly heard such words from her guest: "Well, when will these disgusting bastards expect us from their presence?" Mary Mary Lvovna asked: "And you, in fact, who mean?" She says: "Well, these Romanovs." Then the hostess at home rose and said: "I ask you to leave my home and never come to me." It was such a truly monarchical family, correct; This monarchical family has become an outcast in the royal village, they declared a boycott, they ceased to greet them.

We have already talked about the statement of Salonevich, a wonderful Russian philosopher, a publicist, about the fact that Russia has disguised gossip.

Censorship was abolished in 1906, and suddenly the press and then, and later, and during the war, it was flooded with a huge number of completely terrible gossip. Why do we understand that this is gossip? During the war, these were gossip that the Empress, who was a German by birth, is a German spy that a telegraph from the royal village is laid right at Wilhelm's bet, all the military secrets she disappears from the emperor, transfers in the bet, which is why our retreat occurs Russia is managed by dirty, vulgar, the depraved man Rasputin, who through the Empress, blindly, who believes his mistress, dictates his will, and so on, and so on.

If you believe it, then live in Russia will be simply unbearable. And the country believed it, and in the face of his elite. Even the Great Princess, Holy Elizavet Feodorovna, when Rasputin was killed, just welcomed it, even on the fronts it believed. But the revolution is happening, February 1917 (according to a new style - March), and immediately after the revolution, the first "Emergencies" is organized, the Emergency Investigation Commission. The first CC was organized by the temporary government (not Dzerzhinsky), whose task was to, first of all, study, analysis and preparation for the national court of those criminals who led the country to crisis - the royal family, their minions and the so-called "dark forces" . Then everyone understood: "Dark forces" - the queen, Rasputin, Cubeov, and so on. Alexander Blok, our great poet was appointed Secretary of the CC. Naturally, the most fundamental, revolutionary and antimonarchically configured were attracted to the investigative action. And what happened? After a few months of work (the conclusion of this commission is in the archives in open access, it can see each) they did not find anything compromising either to the empress, nor on the royal family, nor even in many ways to Rasputin, to which we will return to; It is terrible when you start with anyone from this, one of someone's saint, but if we see the documents, then everything is not so simple.

So, there was such a researcher Oldenburg, who found 17 letters Alexandra Feodorovna (the entire correspondence was, naturally, seized), in which she either gave advice to her husband during the war, or transferred the advice of our friend, that is, Rasputin. Indeed, these tips were. None of the Emperor to Life in Lote, and this was proven by the Emergency Investigation Commission. I will tell you a secret, it would be better if he listened. They say: "Podkinnik was ...". Yes, he was not a rebel. He had a certain fatalistic inner thought that he was designed by some special charisma (which was partly so, and there was a partly, this is a difficult question), it must be self-adjustable - so he was brought up, so he thought it was an element here Fatalism, which, in general, in many respects, destroyed the whole country, the whole situation and his own. But I was not close to the novice Alexandra Feodorovna and Rasputin. Yes, it would be better!

She writes to him after Brusilovsky breakthrough, at the same time: "Close the Duma for a while, there is a pure fire of the revolution (we all see it), Arrest Guccov, who traveled through all the fronts and agitated the military to the coup, the arrest of Ruzsky, stop them, otherwise all It will be completely bad. " Nikolai Alexandrovich looked fundamentally. And it was a very wise, very educated and pragmatic German woman - the Russian woman of German and English education: her grandmother - Queen Victoria, she brought up her in England. It would be better if he listened to her ... There were extremely solid advice, very interesting.

As for Rasputin, it was a special figure. Read the wonderful book of our excellent writer and the rector of the current literary institute Alexey Varlamov. He wrote a fat, solid study on this topic, this is an unusually reputable person. For me, it is very flattering that he took the epigraph to this book, he took my long-standing statements regarding Rasputin. Of course, it was a person undoubtedly washable, it was one of the tools to loosen the state system, to discredit the emperor and the empress. Of course, there were no lovers in the royal family. It is possible that there are some testimony to do so, which, having left the Urals, hitting the Great Surroundings, as one of our great saints said, he fell and led an extremely unsightly lifestyle, all this was, but it was simply used.

But look. There is such a famous letter of Dunovo, where he warns the emperor in 1914 on all those consequences that will be in Russia if Russia enters the war. It must be said that some historians do not recognize this letter authentic, consider fake. There are historians who say that this letter is documentary, valid. I will not join this dispute now, although it is more inclined to the fact that it was really amazing an amazingly awesomely wise policy.

But here is a letter documented, from 1914, written on the eve of the war Rasputin. Listen, what amazing, beautiful words: "Cute friend," he writes Nicholas Alexandrovich, "I will say again: a gross cloud over Russia, trouble (this is before the war), grief is much dark and there is no clearance. The tears of the sea and measures are not, and blood (this is not a spilled blood drop)? What will I say? No words, indescribable horror. I know, everyone from you wants and faithful, not knowing that the sake of death want. Trying God's punishment when the mind is taken away - here the beginning of the end. You are the king, the Father of the People, will not pass the insane chase and destroy themselves and the people. Here Germany is winning, and Russia? Think ... So truly there was no more sufferment, all sinking in the blood of the Great, the destruction without end, sadness. " On the eve of the war, 1914, Rasputin, Nikolai Alexandrovich's letter. What to say here?

Plug, depowders, deceiver? Document. And no historian will tell you that this is not a document. Fixed, in the archives lies. And there are a lot of such examples. It is impossible to judge the rashly, it is necessary to understand. This is a mysterious, an amazing figure in our history. We do not know everything, and maybe we will not know before the end of our life, maybe we will find out only in the court of God that it was for a person. Do not evidence negative? There are, unfortunately. But we do not understand this: believe in the word such evidence or not? Including the All-Russian Emergency Commission with the secretary Alexander Block did not find any compromise to Rasputin, although they dug so that, as they say now, it will not seem little.

Russian society, an intelligent, thinking, which is still in the adolescence, succumbed to terrible deceptions, which immediately exposed later, but created the atmosphere of the total and complete rejection of the unfortunate man of Nikolay Alexandrovich, the sovereign of the emperor, the Holy Strastherppet, who was not able to do anything : Everyone was against him. He moved, "Creative Society" took power into his hands and thugged the country simply instantly. Then we came to the end, then, after Leninsky terror, after the terror of the thirties, the Russian people partly came to themselves and with unprecedented enthusiasm began to create something that he was able to create a single state scale - began to create a new empire. We are not capable of anything else. And with enthusiasm we created the Red, Soviet Empire. This is the form in which we, strictly speaking, historically we can exist. Like someone or not like it, they can joke, poisoning, but you look at the story and tell me that we still created. Nothing else. I do not like? They say: "Let's destroy Russia, then there will be no empires." We have imperial consciousness. This does not mean grip. Read the reference book that such an empire is: this is a country of many nations united by a single language, a single economic, political space, which seeks to unity of its goals. Look, you will find out more accurately on directories.

Nobody said better about this time as the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, already in the thirties, being in emigration (Sandro - Lyuboy called his sovereign Nikolay Alexandrovich). This is what he writes: "The throne of Romanovs fell not under the pressure of the forerunner of the Councils or young-bombers, but carriers of aristocratic surnames, court titles, bankers, publishers, aristocrats, professors and other public figures living in generous empires (by the way, having half of all future The bombing terrorists were financed by either the Russian press, or by the Russian government).

The king would have managed to satisfy the needs of Russian workers and peasants, the police would have coped with terrorists, but it was completely in vain labor to try to please numerous applicants to ministers, revolutionary recorded in the book of the most notable noble birth, opposition bureaucrats brought up in Russian universities.

How did it have necessary to go with those great Russian ladies, who were traveled from the house to the house for all day and distributed the most vile rumors about the king and the queen? How was it necessary to deal with those two offspring of the oldest kind of princes of the Dolgoruki, who joined the enemies of the monarchy? What had to be done with the rector of Moscow University, who turned it the oldest Russian higher educational institution in the revolutionar agent?

What should be done with Count Witte, chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1905-1906, whose specialty was to supply newspaper reporters with scandalous stories, discrediting the royal family? What should be done with our newspapers, who met our failures on the Japanese front?

How did it have necessary to go with the members of the State Duma, who with joyful persons listened to the gossip of slanders who were swearing that there is a wireless telegraph between the royal village and the rate of Hindenburg? What should be done with those commanders who are brought by the king of the army, who were interested in the increase in antimonarchic aspirations in the rear of the army more than victory over the Germans at the front?

A description of the counterfeit activities of the Russian aristocracy and the intelligentsia could be a fat volume that should be dedicated to the emigrants mourning a good old time on the streets of European cities. "

But not only the society was guilty. The sovereign Nikolay Alexandrovich was the autocratic, we read it as a saint for his amazing Christian life, especially during the imprisonment, including here, on the place where we are with you. It really was an amazing person, but he was not "Roman dad" (in quotes), he was not sinless. And now we, turning around for that period, we understand that we must see and work on errors.

And what was wrong made by the royal government? Where did they miss? In February - March 1917, he acted absolutely true, situationally, tactically. But what could he do? What could not make his government in advance, for the years, in 1912-1914? English society was cohesive, mostly united. There were, of course, some oppositionists, some opponents of the state system, especially in those moments, when state-owned, public contradictions in the country were aggravated, but in general, and especially during the First World War, and the state, and the leadership of the United Kingdom were One. The emperor Nicholas II bestowed freedom, the lack of censorship, gave parliament - the State Duma, but could not create a mechanism for the possible destruction, which arose as a result of the abolition of censorship, as a result of the work of parliamentarians.

This does not mean that it was necessary to act as Stalin acted. It does not mean that it was necessary to put everyone in prison and create only one-sole party, as it was, say, in the Soviet Union. This is an unusually difficult task, and it was all the more difficult that it was for the first time: Russia had no such experience.

Nikolay Alexandrovich won beautiful and significant victories at the fronts, victory in social construction, victory in industrial construction, but he suffered a crushing defeat in the spirit, in terms of ideology in the country. He won the greatest victory, which a Christian can win. He won the Spirit as an Orthodox man and got a crown here eternal life. Even before the glorification of the royal family, we have a huge icon of saints of the royal martyrs, passion recorders appeared in the Sretensky Monastery. And, I think the first in the whole country, since 1991, every night from the 17th to the 18th, we serve the Divine Liturgy. Then it was still the funeral, and after the glorification, we began to serve them as holy.

But once again I repeat: no one canceled work on errors and parsing. To manage society, and to manage for the benefit, to combine a variety of part of society, to inspire them a single task - this is this royal government could not do. The same mistake was repeated in 1991 our society. Again, teenage negativism - again "everything is before the foundation, and then", again the collapse of the Great country, again poverty, again humiliation, again, huge sorrow of the people, Million sacrifices are our genetic disease. It is necessary to understand this and, overcoming shame, to give himself a report in this and preventively somehow act. "I don't know another people," as Maurice Paleologists writes, which would be so susceptible to suggestion and influence as the people Russian. "

Teenagers are different from an adult wise person just what they do not have their own thinking: they are led, they are captured by certain groupings that they honor the best, the most advanced, the most beautiful and free, and in fact fall into slavery. And grouping a temporary government, those who did it, also hit slavery.

The wonderful person is Bishop Vasily (Rodzianko), the grandson of the last chairman of the State Duma, who went over for his grandfather for many years, as well as Rodzianko himself confessed before the death of Alexander Kerensky. And he told me (of course, not secret confession), as Cerensky communicated with Kerensky shortly before his death. Kerensky told him: "The worst thing I did in my life is what believing to those people who led me and remained behind my back. If I just did not believe it ... If I had not followed them ... ".

Kerensky, by the way, was to say, he was the head of the Masonic Life of Russia. Always when we talk about Freemasonry, smiles begin, but when we talk about the Freemasonry associated with the revolution, I can assure you that there is a huge number of the most serious studies. Read, you will see, I will not talk about it anything. These are serious studies of Russian and Western academicians and so on. Kerensky understood this very well, and he himself made himself a court. Just as Milyukov tried, who in the same letter Rubno said: "Our descendants will curse the Bolsheviks, but they cursed both of us who caused the storms."

Kerensky in his interview with one American newspaper in the early 60s to the question of whether it was possible to stop all this revolutionary horror, said: "Yes, it was possible." "What did you need to do for this?" The correspondent asked. Kerensky replied: "We had to shoot one person." "Lenin?" - asked the correspondent. "Not. Kerensky, "replied Kerensky. Imagine how to live with such an understanding of what they have done in our country?

Our society is huge responsibility. Everyone. And February days they tell us about this in the most obvious way.

Friends, I suffered you. Thank you for attention. There is, it seems questions.

- Have you watched the movie "Matilda"? Is the participation of consultants from the church of the teacher's film?

No, I did not watch the film "Matilda". I'll tell you if I went. My friends even before I didn't know about this film closely, they said: "Listen, there is such a film about Nicolae II here. Do you want to become a consultant? " I have not yet told this story with anyone, I will tell you. I have been told: - Do you want to become a consultant of the film about Nicolae II?

I said: - You need to see the script.

It's not a secret. I called the director of the teacher (with whom I personally did not know and did not see his film) and said: - You would not like to become a film consultant?

Give me an application. I will see the application, then you will answer.

But already the script is ready.

Scenario? - And I am a screenwriter at the first institute profession. - So at first they give an application to consultants, and only then we develop a script.

So the film is almost ready.

Oh, how cool! Do you want a consultant for a ready-made movie? What for?

You know, let me script, I'll see.

Several months the script did not send me. Then the script was sent, but I have already seen the trailer for this film, which everyone who is interested, could see. Now, they say, another trailer came out, but I watched the first. He led me to horror. Because it is written in large letters: "The main historical blockbuster of the year." The film was supposed to go out in March. Then it is written: "The Mystery of the House of Romanov". The relationship of the heir to Nikolay Alexandrovich and Matilda Felixes of Kshesinskaya for no one secretly, all Peter about it only and gossipped ... Emperor Alexander III appears (my most favorite emperor) together with Nikolai Alexandrovich and says phrase from which I am bad ... phrase Enchanting in their vulgarity. And because well, it was impossible to hear such from Alexander III, the noblest emperor: "I am the only one of the Romanovs who did not live with the ballerinas." I became just bad! I have already seen Alexei Mikhailovich, and Mikhail Fedorovich, in which no ballet was not even close, other emperors ...

In general, enchanting vulgarity. And then begins - the heir to depict a foreign actor, a love triangle: Nikolai jumps, I apologize, from Baora Matilda to the Boudo to Alexandra, from Alexandra to Matilde and so on, and so on ... this is after marriage with Alexandra Feodorovna. Then the coronation, on which Matilda suddenly turns out and shouts: "Niki!" It faints. Crown crown of the Russian Empire. Well, a vulgar on some prenormal level. At the Competition on Vulgarity, the film would take second place, because it really went too.

So, I all expressed it to the director, apologized to him - he is older than me. I said: "Sorry, but I think so ...". He sent me a script. I will not talk about the scenario where I saw about the same as in this trailer ... well, how to comment on what Alexander Feodorovna, Princess Alix, this fragile then a girl, with a knife goes to Matilda? With sharpening goes to Matilda to get her blood ... Well, what is there to talk about?

Indeed, Nikolai Alexandrovich had some kind of relationships (we do not understand what) with Matilda. In 1892, he met the young ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. By the way, in the film it is described that almost Alexander III reduced them, in order for Niki to receive some experience there. Well, nonsense dog! Alexander III in French corresponded with his wife Maria Fedorovna, and they write to each other: "Horror, nickname really fascinated by this ballerina. What to do? It is necessary to urgently separate ... ". No special actions ... just another vulgarity. I do not know who this is generally calculated and what unfortunate people are done. Well, it is impossible to play in our story. It is not even fantasy, it's worse. If this is a fantastic film about Nicolae II, then it is very bad fiction, vulgar fiction.

So, in 1892, Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich met with Matilda and allowed himself to fall in love with her. He very loved the girl who was called Alix (the future of Alexander Feodorovna), - the German Princess, the granddaughter of Queen Victoria, raised in England, and he made her an offer, but she refused, because she did not want to change religion (was a Protestant). And Nikolai, completely disappointed in the possibilities of marriage, allowed himself to captivate this girl Matilda. What was there? Some historians say that they did not have any special relationships, others lead some evidence that they still went far.

But this is the personal matter of others. We are not moralists to read now Moral. A personal matter ... In any case, he gave the opportunity for this girl to fall in love and felt responsibility in front of her. But by the end of 1893, their relationship was cooled, because Matilda understood that nothing serious (marriage, naturally) could not be. And Zesarevich Nikolai understood it. And in 1894, Alix (the future of Alexander Feodorovna) agreed to become the wife of the heir, Nikolai Alexandrovich. He was happy. He came to Matilde, apologized to her, asked for forgiveness, said: "Yes, we are with you in any particular relationship, and I ask you to continue to call me on" you. " I will provide you with everything I can provide, but we can no longer even see. " And they really did not see each other anymore, although he helped her and financially, and on the artistic career. And they did not see each other.

In 1894, Nikolai and Alexandra marriage took place, and we all know what an amazing, beautiful family, a family sample: They loved each other infinitely. By the way, the heir to Nikolai Alexandrovich told Alix, and she recorded in the diary: "Niki told me about his love in Matilda. We both bleak ... ". More children were - he is a little more than twenty, she is 19 years old. And then she writes: "How I am grateful to him for the confidence that he told me all this. Will I ever deserve such trust? .. " This is what amazing words writes!

Their marriage was exactly the same - indestructible, perfect in the highest and beautiful sense of the word. And then in the film tells about these, so to speak, jumping from one alkova in another. What is it? It's just an adaptation of the song Alla Pugacheva: "All can be kings, but not a single king can not marry love." In any case, this is what I understand. Let's see the film, of course, maybe they redid something. But in the scenario, it simply tells about what he loves, of course, Matilda, this proletarian girl, but from dynastic considerations should marry this strange, evil furia Alexandra. Well, how else to comment? ..

I am on the obedience of His Holiness Patriarch Chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture. IN " Russian newspaper"I published a big article (she came out at the very beginning of this year), where he told about all this and on the official position of the Patriarchal Council on Culture. I believe that the ban is a dead end. We will not require prohibitions, and we have no tool for the ban. Now many people do this, this is their right, and I treat him with respect. I just know that it will be impossible to prohibit, we have no tool, there are no censorship for the ban, even though we will walk on the demonstration, at least that ... and then, the path of prohibitions is in general a dead end. The path of total permission is all anything and the path of prohibitions - both of these paths are absolutely destructive. But we need to talk about the truth of the story, and we reserve this right - to express the way I am now and said: this is a lie about the royal family, about the circumstances of their lives, a lie about our history. And from an artistic point of view, it is just unbearable vulgarity. And then - who wants. Someone likes to engage in exterisits of hanging noodles on the ears - but it is already individually, here we can not do anything. Like to support such a film - Well, support, if you like ...

I can't answer some questions regarding other individuals.

Of course, we love the story, but don't you think that lately is it becoming a new God of the Orthodox Church instead of the Blessed Trinity?

Not. Of course, she does not become God. But she was, and will be a sacral part of our life. What is the Holy Bible? What is the evangelist story? This is including the historical narration. True history is part of the sacred spiritual life of a Christian. The Bible is just a historical book in most of its books. But from this story did not become God. God here - the Holy Trinity, the incarnate of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are talking about history now, it does not mean that we adore history. There is one religion that the story partly adores, but this is a special conversation.

- What did the king's diaries feel falsifiers?

I do not really imagine what we are talking about. If more specifically ...

- Was the Nikolai opportunity to suppress the uprising?

Somewhere from the time he left the bet and got into Pskov, expecting that General Ruzsky, commander of the Western Front, will support him, to suppress the uprising was already impossible. All generals betrayed, they reported on this telegrams. The Duma was betrayed, the Allies betrayed and recognized the temporary committee of the Provisional Government. Did not recognize the emperor. He understood that now he, firstly, could do anything, he was almost captive in Ruzsky; Secondly, he will begin to do something, they will untie civil War, collapses the front. Here in 1910-1915, it seems to me (I express, of course, my personal opinion), much could be done. But Nikolay Alexandrovich hoped that the victory on the West and Eastern Front, that he would have time. He calculated in time. And Milyukov writes: "We understood that the victory was now to have to act quickly." But his conspirators simply ahead of him, and he left them at freedom. Of course, they had to be isolateed, as Alexander Feodorovna counted. But this is a subjunctive inclination. Forgive me for such statements that, in general, the historian is unworthy.

- Vaccination from the revolution you do, does it mean that in the Kremlin restless and there are concerns now?

I do not think this is a vaccination from the revolution. After all, the period we are talking about now takes one shocking part of our exposition space. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that I am here in order to make a vaccination from the revolution, very naive. And think that all this exposition was done as a vaccination from the revolution, is also very naive. We are talking right now about this period of two considerations. First: Now the century of revolution. When, how not to talk about it? And secondly, I am doing a film that will be called "the death of the empire. Russian lesson. " Therefore, I am afraid that this is your assumption - from the area of \u200b\u200bthe conspiracy theory. I think that now we have a stable situation, despite the work of the opposition and so on. The situation, which was in February 1917, smacks, as always smash in Russian history, but that she was relevant, I think that there is no. We are not now in pre-revolutionary events. However, I do not want to be similar to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who, two months before the revolution, said about the same youth in Zurich. So God God ... Our story, of course, is unpredictable. But seriously saying: I think it is not. Another thing is that this can always start. And here we must always cultivate the independence of thought, freedom of thought, and this applies not only to revolutionary events.

Now there are a lot of disputes about the correctness of Nikolai II behavior. Some say that he did nothing but mistakes, others - what he did everything he could. What do you think?

I have already said, he did a lot for the country. But the consolidation of society, the prevention of the troubles, which many spoke about, the need for which he himself also understood, in all in order to prevent events, the royal government, completely obviously did not. And could do it, although it was unusually hard, it's just extremely difficult; Read Ilya, he writes a lot about it.

- Do you think you are autocracy best form Board for Russia?

Yes, I think. I think that autocracy in Russia is an absolutely natural form. And now it is a little different. And now it is not autocracy, although elements of one-chisty, of course, are present in the current democratic, as they say Russia.

Here they dropped the king. And who was Lenin? Not autocrat? And Stalin? Well, he did not have a crown on his head, but did he not be a self-container? And Khrushchev? There - corn, there - tractor stations, there - a boot for the United Nations, here - the execution of workers in Novocherkassk. What I wanted, I did, until they were removed.

And the Brezhnev was not a self-container? Those who lived in those times know. Even our elderly leaders: Chernenko (I will not raise) and And-Ropov are absolute self-containers. And now the History Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev? Perestroika and so on. Russia is such a country ... and Boris Nikolaevich, your beautiful and wonderful compatriot, so to speak, countryman? Of course, he was the autocrat, what to say there. "Tsar Boris" - so called him. Or not called? Called.

Another thing is that this, of course, is still some exaggerations. No laws of autocracy, which were in the Russian Empire. Russia is such a country ... There is a huge truck that rides at a speed of 60 km per hour and brings 100 tons. And there is a small racing car, which is driving a 60-kilogram man, but rides at a speed of 300 km per hour. Russia is such a country, and such it is always. How well said Chernomyrdin (the kingdom of heaven): "What kind of party is neither the CPSU is obtained." Well, the autocratic, imperial country, imperial our consciousness, is always necessary to keep in mind. Now the country's leadership is attempts to combine and this necessity of one-chief ... well, such a country cannot be different.

Here, the temporary government tried to manage differently in March 1917 (these were the best people about whom the whole creative society ranged) - and rushes everything just for three months. We want this? Let's look at the story, and not by our any a priori considerations. Dream is a dream, well, we will rise. So it is, of course, a good thing - the present autocracy, but the royal power must be earned. We, firstly, do not deserve it, secondly, it only sends her God God. There is nothing to see on the horizon that it would be characteristic of the autocratic power in our country. But there are elements of the royal power, let's say, personified ... Although Russian power is always personified. Stalinist power was personified? What is the monarchy? Leninsky government was personified? On the mausoleum take a look ... Khrushchev Board ... You did not live at this time, and we remember - I went to school at his time: everywhere portraits, everywhere quotes, everywhere ... and now also personified. That's how. Like Dislike, but all. But such a real autocracy, unfortunately not yet.

- Is there any ideology in Russia now? What should it be in your presentation?

In Russia, the artwork of the Constitution is prohibited by ideology. State ideology is prohibited, but this does not mean that the ideas of the country should not be. This does not mean that in other countries, where ideology is prohibited, the ideology is also missing and control, let's say, above the ideology. Here is the ideology of the United States ... One of the factors of the ideology of the United States, the very democratic country in the world, is Hollywood. He builds the consciousness of ordinary Americans, and elites, and and around the world, in many ways with his films. This is the most powerful ideological machine in the world's free country - the United States of America. If only not to take into account that there is control over Hollywood. Controls Hollywood Pentagon - United States Military Office. Officially. Well, this is so, for reference. It seems to sound like some kind of fable, but you look at the sources - the sources are generally a useful thing.

So, not about the most free country, but about ours, not quite a democratic, there are many epithets. Of course, we are now declared such an unofficial ideology of patriotism. Well, this is a good idea, if, again, to understand patriotism is not like a stateless, lowered from above, but to understand how our historical park, when people, receiving facts, receiving sources, they themselves understand our history and the story becomes the source Special feeling in man, feelings of adherence and belonging to its history. "My story" - so we called our exposition. Here is the flow of our story, and I am in it - this is the life of my kind, this is the life of my big tribe, this is the life of my country, this is the life of my ancestors and the future life of my descendants. I am responsible for her, it is important for me that our country and our people live in truth were connected to the highest truth - with God, flourished.

That's if we understand this, then I like such patriotism. And patriotism, when with flags and build, may be good, maybe bad and so on, but this patriotism is such - the admission to the great flow of its own history and awareness of himself in it. This is not the only ideology; Of course, it may come up with something and better, but today it is just like that.

If our society is so influenced and self-impaired, how to overcome it? Is it possible to grow up our society?

The most important question for us is to grow up. Listen, I myself sat in the kitchens in my student years and the indoiler how much I wonder this most our native Soviet power, our government, and so on, so on. Now I would, of course, did not do that; I saw all the wrongness, all the mistakes, but I would never begin to pelt. I understand that it is possible to work only constructively, and not destructive, but, unfortunately, our intelligentsia, which has already been 300 years old in adolescence, works on destructive thoughts. This was written about this and the best representatives of our intelligentsia, including Chekhov, Ilyin, including Pushkin.

Of course, we must grow up, we need to think constructively and criticize the way Korolev said wonderfully: "Criticia - suggest, offering - act." And just criticize, sitting on Zavalinka, winding my legs and husky seeds, - the favorite occupation of our beautiful, cute, creative intelligentsia, but this is what it all leads. And then - to the inadequate perception of reality; We start believing unknown in what. It is not necessary to go in the overall stream, in the overall herd, but the brains sometimes have to include.

Our wonderful great saint, St. Filaret (Drozdov), who with Pushkin had a wonderful poems of the correspondence (Pushkin was addressed to him two of his poems), gave an amazing definition that such freedom. "Freedom," he said, "this is the ability and opportunity to choose the best."

The ability to choose a secretly imposed to you is not freedom, this is slavery, but the wisdom and the ability to determine what is the best, choose it and implement - this is Christian freedom, this is the goal of Christian Asketiki. Few, probably imagines that it is, but just in case, postpone it in my head: The task of Christian Askisa is to understand what is right for you and for people who resort to your help ... A significant building is sent to this Safety creations, exercises and so on.

Is Russian Orthodox Church Recognize the royal remains from Piglena Log? When will this story finally end?

Here we also think when this story will finally end. And we think that it is not soon. I will explain why. I waited for this question, because I am including the responsible secretary of the church commission on identifying the remains found in the piglet log, that is, the remains that we call "Ekaterinburg".

We know that the investigation was conducted, it seems since 1991, and it came in its state part to certain conclusions. Then investigative committee In the then composition acknowledged the remains from the Piglena Log to the remains of the Tsarist. The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church refrained from such recognition, explaining that we do not have enough evidence, and the evidence that we are presented (some of them, not everything, of course), at least need a serious verification, and the inspection check - genetic, historical, criminological and anthropological.

And secondly, part of the evidence, primarily concerning the procedural course of the case, the investigation, does not inspire confidence. And we explained why. This is not a whim of the Russian Orthodox Church, these are really serious questions. And someone who, and the Russian Orthodox Church does not want to enter the conflict with the state, as you know. And despite this, so far - and under the Government of Yeltsin, and under the Government of Putin, and under the Government of Medvedev, and with the current leadership of the country - the Russian Church says again: "We have no final evidence, we must, along with scientists Together with the investigative committee, finally explore this issue. " We do not stand - and it is fundamentally - neither on one or on the other side, we have too many questions. On the other hand, there are many arguments that make us seriously think about, we are not fanatics that say: "What do you give us, we still do not recognize." Well, this, of course, the position is just terrifying. How it is: what will you say - we do not recognize? With such a position we cannot go out, this is the Russian Orthodox Church, sorry, and not some kind of a circle of interest that can afford it, to declare. We say: "There are a lot of questions, and while we will not understand all these issues, we will not bear any final verdicts."

The remains are located in the Petropavlovsk fortress, in an unleasable place, at the rest of the royal family of Romanov. The remains found in the piglery log, which are attributed to Tsarevich Alexey and the Grand Duchess of Mary, are also in the sacral, holy place, and there they are closed in special arks, which the investigative committee knows about. There is no humiliation of these remains, but now a comprehensive work is underway. Awarded the best forces previously not participating in expert commissions. We have specially collected on the blessing of the patriarch of such people, he ordered us to collect only those who had not previously been engaged in neither the other party, because for 25 years this is a consequence. If we took the same people who were before, they would simply defend their former positions; It would be incorrect, it would be difficult to work with them. We have taken experts who have known our scientists who do not belong to any or another party.

It turns out strong pressure, very strong pressure and from the party of those who recognize that this is the royal remains, and from the party of those who say: "No, these are not the remains." Very strong pressure. I do not agree to no pressure, I assure you. We have obedience from the church, our task is to explore all the questions, despite any pressure, objectively to obtain scientific information (this applies to the scientific part, there is another - sacral part) and submit scientific information to the Holy Church as part of the analysis. Part for the analysis, because the church is, of course, not the Academy of Sciences, it is a completely different community. But the scientific part is also important for us, including the genetic part.

We ourselves participate in this, we also have Orthodox scientists, and uninosty, we did not define confessional here. Although, of course, most of those scientists (yes, perhaps, all), which we invited are Orthodox Christians, scientists with Russian, and sometimes a world name. And now they are now engaged in these studies, including genetic.

Genetic samples We took from Skull number 4 (for the first time the skull is investigated, which, according to some, belongs to Nikolay Alexandrovich), and from the remains that belong to the Empress. We took, as you know, and samples from Father Nicholas II - Emperor Alexander III, and on the men's line genetic research almost the most reliable, they took blood from the heir's shirt, when he was injured in Japan (this shirt is stored in the State Hermitage), they took blood With Unidir Alexander II, when the terrorists were killed in 1881. We took a few more samples, unfortunately not belonged to the family of Romanovs, but approximately relating to this time. Patriarch personally, under the camera, encrypted these samples, and no one knows this cipher, except for himself, the video tape lies in the Safe at the Patriarch. And the Patriarch is extremely skeptical about the "Ekaterinburg remains", and he was one of the initiators in order for all unverified data ... not to dismiss and say: "Yes, agree with the state", and to say: "No, we have a principle position until everyone knows, we will not say anything. "

So, genetic research goes in two leading world laboratories, scientists who do not know what they were brought, only ciphers know, and in two Russian forensic laboratories. And, already independently of us, research is repeated in the American leading laboratory. And then scientists can compare. Manufacture of anthropologists, historians, most importantly. Our group has already committed several real discoveries that we definitely make it possible.

On the site "" we regularly print the opinions of representatives. The Investigation Committee allowed us to take an interview with experts, and in general it is prohibited before the end of the investigation - we are allowed, in order of exception. Experts are talking about the progress of the case, everyone can not only meet it, but if this is a scientist, if this is a specialist, he can discuss, we all print it. When will we finish? I dont know. We have no dates (for a century, to the 150th anniversary, by the anniversary) nobody. I will not finally discern. For us, the most important thing is not stubbornness in one or another position, which is absolutely disgusting, and the truth of God, and that we will adhere to, I repeat, no matter what pressure. It is not necessary to put it - it is useless, we will look for the truth of God and the truth.

One of the versions about the death of the royal family of 1929 was shown in the Kremlin on some reception: ask the head of the king-passionerppet.

This version is investigated. When they say "said" - it was only talked. Any fact, as historians know, has its own or other documentary confirmation. We will find - we'll tell you everything. To do this, see and on skeletons: separated or not, are these skeletons? In general, a comprehensive study. Why comprehensive? For example, we went yesterday, discussed, I will tell you a little secret to you. One of the independent, amateur researchers Grigoriev wrote a whole book, and one of his ideas in doubt that the copper shells should be found on the Ganini pit. "In bullets copper shells. Where are they? "He said. He is criminalist, candidate of science, but he is not a historian. And in response to this absolutely fair question, we were transferred to military historians, and they told us: copper shells in the bullets appeared in production in the thirties, before that copper was not a component of a part or revolving, no rifle bullets. These things, understand? On something we found answers, I did not find something.

- Do you agree with the statement of Rostovsky, what does he call the Russian people with a suffer?

- Is there a paper version of your lecture?

Does not exist, exclusively for you.

- "Arguments of the Week" gave a series of publications of the 1913 events about the export of 40 tons of gold to America. Your attitude to this, to the United States?

They mined Russian gold, a whole study is on this topic, I do not take it to talk about it, because I am not a specialist, but all this is connected with whocheheads, and with Kolchak, and so on. Of course, there was a huge gold reserve, of course, there was a story, and it is necessary to talk about it separately, to investigate this story with the Golden Party, when we were graduated from us. This is a special story, but I am not a specialist, so I will not take it.

Dear friends, thank you for your patience, for your attention. Sorry, if some questions did not answer. And I hope that it is also warm, as we sat here these long hours, will continue, and you will find the opportunity to come here and become more independent, wise and internally free, linked, deepening in our common story, knowing her, part of us ourselves. God's help to you, keep you the Lord!

Over the text worked:
Nina Kirsanova, Elena Kruzoro, Ksenia Sosnovskaya,
Julia Podzolov, Elena Chach, Elena Timofeeva

Tikhon Shevkunov is known as "Putin's confessor".
Although official confirmation, as we understand, no.
He read a lecture at the St. Petersburg Cultural Forum, "Fontanka" made a squeeze, and it should be read.

"1. Until February Revolution, Russia lived well. It is largely owned by Nicholas II.

"We lagged behind many indicators, but the Russian economy was the fourth fifth in the world. Let's just remind myself about the level of industry and science! Only a list of inventions of Russian engineers and designers looks like this: a periodic system of chemical elements, an incandescent lamp, electric welding, aircraft, gas mask, seismograph, parachute, TV. Russian gunsmiths were especially famous. When in the midst of the First World War, Russia had to be sent thousands of engineers to America, during the two years they created the military industry of the United States almost from scratch. "

In the ratio of agriculture of the Russian Empire, it is possible to "relyaze to use the word prosperity": "Peasants belonged more than 67% of the land treated in the European part of the country, and in the Urals - 100%." Russia was covered by a railway network, the life of society after 1905 was experiencing a real flourishing: "Periodic publications under Nicolae II were published more than in the USSR in 1988." The government was introduced to the State Duma a project on general primary education.

"As for the stereotype of Russia, as about the prison of the peoples, there was no no problem here, but these excesses went into the past. National outskirts were presented in the State Duma. In the principality of Finland, there was a parliament, women had the voting law. " "As for censorship, it was almost completely canceled after the events of the first Russian revolution. Even censorship introduced during the war was very relative. "

2. Alexander Födorovna was a "woman with a Russian soul", but did not have impact on the events.

"When the All-Russian Emergency Commission was created in March 1917, which sets his task to investigate the crimes of the royal regime, any significant influence of Alexandra Fedorovna or Rasputin on the events of state importance was not found. The letters of Alexandra Fedorovna were investigated to her husband: only in 17 she advised something to Nicholas II or transferred Rasputin advice. From these tips, not one was fulfilled.

I will express my personal opinion: Alexander Födorovna was a woman with a Russian soul, German punctuality and English upbringing. She wrote her husband: what are you doing - Arrest Guccov, dissolve the Duma, not the time now for liberal weak action. Then, after the war, it will be possible to restore everything, but now they destroy the country. "

3. The behavior of the Russian liberal intelligentsia, criticized the royal regime until the February Revolution, is difficult to explain.

"Why did these people demanded these people with such an energy and intransigence, wanted, wanted and did everything so that changes in Russia occur? Why was one of the winged expressions in such: "Let the Germans better, but not only Romanovs?" Why it was said that the Russian intelligent could be a simple worker, but not a general, and not an official of the royal government? Why was such irreconcilable? Why did this plot of aristocracy and industrialists have such success and such amazing support? Why, after renounce the throne, such delight reigned in Russia, they talked about "Kerensky on a white horse"? "

"Putin's confessor" - about the mass psychosis of the revolution
4. The Provisional Government and the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies quickly destroyed the country, and the Bolsheviks in the fall of 1917 "just picked up power."

"Order number 1 (prescribed the creation of elected committees from the lower ranks in all military units - approx. Ed.) Destroyed the whole discipline in the warring army. In adequate whether the people who took such a decision were? With the state, military, professional adequacy were problems.

The second decision is the dismissal of all governors and vice-governors. It was believed that free people would choose new ones. In this atmosphere, it collapsed that we now call the vertical authority. We now understand how important it is. Then most of the people have perceived the order with delight.

The next stage is to postpone from the state power "minions of the royal regime", gendarmes and policemen. The next is to free the prisoners, political prisoners, and among them were, as we know, and terrorists. In addition, another 100 thousand criminals were freed. "Chicks of Kerensky" - so they were called.

Commander of February - Milyukov, Gucci, Kerensky, Lviv - endlessly loved Russia. But, wanting good to the country, they handed it into the hands of a man who said: "And I, gentlemen, do not care about Russia," in the hands of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. "

5. The state of Russia to the February Revolution is similar to "adolescent complexes", "psychic epidemic" and "mass psychosis". The experience of our country is not united, but it is Russia - the champion in such states.

"This behavior is reminded. I do not bring quotes about the negativity of the Russian intelligentsia, which have already become a parable in the towns. No communication with government officials, the most advanced negative attitude towards the solutions of power. It seems that our progressive society remains then in adolescence, did not grow, did not overcome adolescent problems and complexes. "

"This question was studied by psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers - contemporaries of those events. The famous Russian physiologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev wrote that mental epidemics sometimes encompass a significant part of the population. "

"We can assume that in the process of revolutionary events, something similar to mass psychosis was seized by society." It is impossible to say that this kind of state happened only in our country. Although it is in Russia that mass psychoses occur "with frightening periodicity", starting with troubled time. "Professor of the Ukrainian Medical Academy, a psychiatrist Oleg Syropyatov talked about a mental epidemic in Ukraine in 2014. People do not understand the meaning of words. A person is covered by emotions and cannot go to the rational level. "

6. Mass psychosis may repeat

"We must understand that relapses of this appear, and are committed acts that become irreversible. Knowing this universal disease, it is necessary to seriously think about mental hygiene. "

"Our wonderful intellectual creative society latently carries such a certainty. This latent state is exacerbated from time to time. It is impossible not to take into account."

On the one hand, it seems to be a footwear of pure water, right?
On the other hand, so it was.

Do you know what is the main problem?
In incorrect formulation of the issue.

And Russia was not at all so good, as they are trying to submit some today.
The country was backward, with an archaic political and legal and social device.
Do not recognize this, it means to conflict with the facts.
And still suffer from shapporteatory.

But Nikolai II was not so insignificant, as revolutionaries believe.
Nobody managed to spend the country through two revolutionary periods.
European monks did not always manage to somehow cope with even one, the case ended in the faint.
And Nicholas II coped with the first revolutionary wave!

But the most important thing is that the revolution is not always good.

However, the case, of course, is not in social psychosis.
The fact is that neither science nor public figures still do not understand how to make life better.
And the people can not always, and wants to wait.

What is the sense in the idea that Russia in 1917 was covered with psychosis?
Knows Shevkunov, as Russia does not infect psychosis today?
Or, more precisely, do not fall into the revolutionary temptation, the reason for which some part of society will then announce psychosis?

Well, the drama of the Russian intelligentsia is well known.
West Western books, looked at Western life, and let's run with guns, like the Decembrists, bombs, like populists and revolutionary ideas, like everyone else.
And after that, Lenin comes to power, and says that the intelligentsia is not a brain of the nation, but ...
Well, you know!

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